Lionel L. Andrades

There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II today and the magisterial one is a scandal : Catholic writers are not asking the Vatican the right …

OCTOBER 17, 2017 There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II today and the magisterial one is a scandal : Catholic writers are not asking the Vatican the right questions. When Catholic journalists …More
OCTOBER 17, 2017
There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II today and the magisterial one is a scandal : Catholic writers are not asking the Vatican the right questions.

When Catholic journalists and writers meet Vatican officials, cardinals and bishops, and ask them about extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) they go there un-prepared.When Edward Pentin asked Cardinal Gerhard Muller about EENS, the cardinal referred to Lumen Gentium 14 as an exception.He meant EENS had really changed.When Pentin asked Archbishop Augustine di Noia about EENS, he referred to Lumen Gentium 8, as if it was an exception and so EENS was no more like it was before.Muller and Di Noia saw Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS, ' a development', as Pope Benedict said in March 2016.
Unlike Muller and Di Noia, who were vague, Pope Benedict has clearly said that EENS was no more like it was in the 16th century.So for me it means at one time in history the magisterium was wrong.
For the three of them(…More

Apologetics for Maike Hickson when she is at the Vatican

OCTOBER 16, 2017 Apologetics for Maike Hickson when she is at the Vatican Dr.Maike Hickson does not get answers at the Vatican and form her sources whom she has asked about Pope Benedict saying in …More
OCTOBER 16, 2017
Apologetics for Maike Hickson when she is at the Vatican
Dr.Maike Hickson does not get answers at the Vatican and form her sources whom she has asked about Pope Benedict saying in March 2016 that extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century and they could not tell her the reason why.1
To get an answer, I mentioned, in a blog post yesterday 1 she could try another approach.She could ask herself what if the present Magisterium made a theological error which has led to new doctrines? What if there is a precise factual mistake which has led to all this confusion?
There is one!

The Magisterium made a theological mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case when it assumed unknown for us cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.The mistake was not corrected in 1960-65.So Lumen Gentium 16 ( …More

Dr.Maike Hickson does not get answers at the Vatican

OCTOBER 15, 2017 Dr.Maike Hickson does not get answers at the Vatican It is my experience in many conversations with well-meaning, courteous and generous high-ranking Catholics with influence over …More
OCTOBER 15, 2017
Dr.Maike Hickson does not get answers at the Vatican
It is my experience in many conversations with well-meaning, courteous and generous high-ranking Catholics with influence over Catholic discourse – clergymen and laymen alike – that when one starts asking such questions to them as were put here above, they often softly agree or at least do not really know how to respond amply and honestly. It is a sign for me that they, too, have been caught in this sort of skewed or attenuated teaching that is not fully based on Catholic truth and reality.-Maike Hickson
Coming Out From Under the Asphyxiating
Dr.Maike Hickson has asked her souces about extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and they do not want to answer.Since those who know the truth do not want to say that the magisterium has made a big mistake. Others do not want to say all non Catholics in 2017 are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II and other magisterial …More

We are in the same Church but the Polish bishops interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently

We are in the same Church but the Polish bishops interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently Like I said yesterday we are in the same Catholic Church but the two …More
We are in the same Church but the Polish bishops interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently
Like I said yesterday we are in the same Catholic Church but the two popes and all the bishops and cardinals interpret magisterial documents differently from me.
Yet I am not in a rupture with the past magisterium of the Church nor denying any magisterial document issued by any of the popes. Nobody can accuse me of rejecting the Nicene and Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church,Dominus Iesus etc.
And I admit that the two popes and all the cardinals and bishops would say that they too affirm all these mentioned magisterial documents.
I would agree that they do but point out that they interpret these documents with an irrational premise of which they are not aware of.I avoid the premise.
So their interpretation of Vatican Council II for example, is a rupture with the dogma extra …More

We are in the same Church but the two popes and I interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently

OCTOBER 14, 2017 We are in the same Church but the two popes and I interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are the popes.I …More
OCTOBER 14, 2017
We are in the same Church but the two popes and I interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are the popes.I accept this. But I affirm the dogma EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II. Vatican Council II is a not a rupture with the dogma EENS as it was known to the magisterium and missionaries of the 16th century for me. It is not so for them. I affirm the Nicene Creed but without the irrational premise. So I am not affirming the Nicene Creed like the two popes. Similarly I accept the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But unlike the two popes and most bishops and priests I do not interpret the Catechism (1994) with an irrational premise.-Lionel Andrades…/innocent-cathol…
OCTOBER 10, 2017
CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei supports heresy approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger…/cdf-doctrinal-c…

OCTOBER 13, 2017 Maike Hickson …More

Innocent Catholics in the Neo Catechumenal Way like those among traditionalists need to be helped out

October 14, 2017 Innocent Catholics in the Neo Catechumenal Way like those among traditionalists need to be helped out Pope Francis talks with Kiko Argüello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, in Rome …More
October 14, 2017
Innocent Catholics in the Neo Catechumenal Way like those among traditionalists need to be helped out
Pope Francis talks with Kiko Argüello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, in Rome on March 6.
Pope Francis talks with Kiko Arguello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, in Rome on March 6.
The two popes are supporting a false catechesis by catechists of the New Cathechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello.During their catechesis they say every one does not need to enter the Church.I was present at a catechesis when the lay catechist, from the 'first community', drew the figure of a ship on the blackboard.He said that in the past it was thought that every one needed to enter the boat for salvation.But not any more.
This is still approved by the magisterium of the Church.
I was also present at an Ecclesiology class conducted by an American Dominican at the Angelicum, University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Rome . He said that everyone does not need any more to enter the Church for …More

Maike Hickson could ask Abp.Guido Pozzo and the SSPX the relevant questions : right to canonical status

OCTOBER 13, 2017 Maike Hickson could ask Abp.Guido Pozzo and the SSPX the relevant questions : right to canonical status Coming Out From Under the Asphyxiating Rubble by Maike Hickson ( blog 1Peter5) …More
OCTOBER 13, 2017
Maike Hickson could ask Abp.Guido Pozzo and the SSPX the relevant questions : right to canonical status
Coming Out From Under the Asphyxiating Rubble
by Maike Hickson ( blog 1Peter5)
(Oct 6,2017)
Last but not least, Professor Roberto de Mattei wrote in August of 2017 the following trenchant words about the Second Vatican Council, also in light of the message of Our Lady of Fatima:
On the historical level, however, Vatican II constitutes a non-decomposable block: It has its own unity, its essence, its nature. Considered in its origins, its implementation and consequences, it can be described as a Revolution in mentality and language, which has profoundly changed the life of the Church, initiating a moral and religious crisis without precedent. If the theological judgment may be vague and comprehensive, the judgment of history is merciless and without appeal. The Second Vatican Council was not only unsuccessful or a failure: it was a catastrophe for the Church. [emphasis …More

SSPX has to show Abp.Guido Pozzo that 'the dogma of the faith' has not been lost : it's in harmony with Vatican Council II (premise-free)

October 13, 2017 SSPX has to show Abp.Guido Pozzo that 'the dogma of the faith' has not been lost : it's in harmony with Vatican Council II (premise-free) The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) has to show …More
October 13, 2017
SSPX has to show Abp.Guido Pozzo that 'the dogma of the faith' has not been lost : it's in harmony with Vatican Council II (premise-free)
The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) has to show Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary, Ecclesia Dei that he violates the Principle of Non Contradiction in his interpretation of Vatican Council II( with the premise) and that this cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.It cannot be magisterial.
We Catholics cannot accept a Magisterium which believes there is known salvation outside the Church since practically there can be no such known case.
So when the SSPX has to sign a doctrinal preamble which states that they accept ' the authentic Magisterium' of the Church which has preserved the 'deposit of the faith'in harmony with Tradition, it is false.Since there two popes accept that there is known salvation outside the Church.
They consider unknowable cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance …More

Five months and no concrete dialogue between the SSPX and Ecclesia Dei on Vatican Council II (premise-free) and EENS(premise-free)

OCTOBER 12, 2017 Five months and no concrete dialogue between the SSPX and Ecclesia Dei on Vatican Council II (premise-free) and EENS(premise-free) May 12, 2017 SSPX Spokesman Confirms: "No Date for …More
OCTOBER 12, 2017
Five months and no concrete dialogue between the SSPX and Ecclesia Dei on Vatican Council II (premise-free) and EENS(premise-free)
May 12, 2017
SSPX Spokesman Confirms: "No Date for Reconciliation"
(Paris) Father Alain Lorans, spokesman for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. in France, according to AFP press agency, said: "Dialogue continues without timetable." There is no specific date. The FSSPX spokesman thus confirms what Guido Pozzo, the secretary of the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei, and the Vatican representativr for talks with the Society, said yesterday in an interview with Rome Reports.
Lionel: There is no dialogue on the doctrinal issue of 1) unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are not visible exceptions to the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). So there really were no known exceptions of BOD,BOB and I.I to the interpretation of the dogma EENS according to Fr. Leonard Feeney and …More

Abp.Guido Pozzo cannot affirm the Syllabus of Errors nor the past exclusivist ecclesiology since Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture for …

OCTOBER 12, 2017 Abp.Guido Pozzo cannot affirm the Syllabus of Errors nor the past exclusivist ecclesiology since Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture for him with invisible cases being …More
OCTOBER 12, 2017
Abp.Guido Pozzo cannot affirm the Syllabus of Errors nor the past exclusivist ecclesiology since Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture for him with invisible cases being visible : SSPX priests must correct his error

Recently there was a conference at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas(Angelicum) Rome where Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei was present and no one asked him why had the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) have to sign a doctrinal preamble affirming Vatican Council II with an irrational premise instead of without the premise? He was not asked why was the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 not accepted by Ecclesia Dei when it affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) without the premise( there are no known possibilities of salvation outside the Church)?
Why cannot the Vatican affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the invisible- people- are- visible premise and the these- visible- people- are- examples- of- salvation- …More

Catholic Poland aware of an organised attack on their religion and culture : Italy succumbs to the enemy

OCTOBER 11, 2017 Catholic Poland aware of an organised attack on their religion and culture : Italy succumbs to the enemy… /search?q=Photos+Polish+rosary+at+…More
OCTOBER 11, 2017
Catholic Poland aware of an organised attack on their religion and culture : Italy succumbs to the enemy…

Pope Benedict could have vetted and approved Amoris Laetitia

OCTOBER 11, 2017 Pope Benedict could have vetted and approved Amoris Laetitia It seems a if Cardinal Ratzinger knew thatinvisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible …More
OCTOBER 11, 2017
Pope Benedict could have vetted and approved Amoris Laetitia
It seems a if Cardinal Ratzinger knew thatinvisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance could not be visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) but he had to oblige someone or some lobby and so distorted Church doctrine and theology as Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.He then created the new 1983 Code of Canon Law to enforce all this irrationality and liberalism in the Church.Now the Church itself, the magisterium, teaches heresy.It's an official break with the past magisterium.Those who were faithful to the teachings of the traditional Catholic Church and opposed this heresy and schism were excommunicated and marginalized.He was a liberal whose conservative image was propped by the anti Catholic mainline media.
At Vatican Council II(1965) he supported the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney when there were no practical …More

CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei supports heresy approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

OCTOBER 10, 2017 CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei supports heresy approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger THE RELATIVISM OF THE FOF IS CONDEMNED BY THE CDF’S DOCTRINAL COMMENTARY ON THE …More
OCTOBER 10, 2017
CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei supports heresy approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Posted on October 10, 2017
by abyssum

CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [ Emphasis in red type by Abyssum ] [This commentary was issued coincident with the promulgation of “Ad tuendam fidem” by Pope John Paul II, modifying the Oriental and Latin codes of canon law.] (1). From her very beginning, the Church has professed faith in the Lord, crucified and risen, and has gathered the fundamental contents of her belief into certain formulas. The central event of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, expressed first in simple formulas and subsequently in formulas that were more developed,1 made it possible to give life to that …More

Vatican doctrinal error could not have been made clearer : Lefebvre, Feeney censure based on the false premise

OCTOBER 10, 2017 Vatican doctrinal error could not have been made clearer : Lefebvre, Feeney censure based on the false premise The Vatican should apologise for the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre …More
OCTOBER 10, 2017
Vatican doctrinal error could not have been made clearer : Lefebvre, Feeney censure based on the false premise
The Vatican should apologise for the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr.Leonard Feeney I have mentioned before.Since we now know that they both were doctrinally correct.Theologically and rationally invisible for us baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are not visible exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).There are also no practical exceptions to EENS in 2017.We cannot see or meet someone saved outside the Church.
Similarly LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc are not personally known cases of people saved outside the Church this year or in the past.So Vatican Council II( with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical and not visible and known) is not a rupture with the old exclusivist ecclesiology, EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc.Archbishop Lefebvre was correct.Vatican Council …More

Abp. Pozzo wanted Bishop Fellay to interpret the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : ignorance or scandal ?

October 9, 2017 Abp. Pozzo wanted Bishop Fellay to interpret the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : ignorance or scandal ? Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican wanted …More
October 9, 2017
Abp. Pozzo wanted Bishop Fellay to interpret the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : ignorance or scandal ?
Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican wanted the SSPX to sign the doctrinal preamble with a false premise. This would create a non traditional and heretical conclusion.It would make Vatican Council II a rupture with Tradition; the Syllabus of Errors,EENS, past exclusivist ecclesiology etc.There was a choice but this was not known to Bishop Fellay.
Here is how it works :
False premise (invisible people are visible, unknown people are known in the present times),
False inference( these invisible but visible people are saved outside the Church, there are known cases of really unknown people who are saved outside the Church)
False and non traditional conclusion (outside the Church there is known salvation with these invisible-visible cases, so the Nicene Creed means 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins …More

Abp.Pozzo wanted the SSPX to sign the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : it's unethicall

The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) must note that Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican wanted them to sign the doctrinal preamble while accepting LG 16, UR 3,NA 2 etc in Vatican …More
The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) must note that Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, Vatican wanted them to sign the doctrinal preamble while accepting LG 16, UR 3,NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II as referring to known people in 2017 saved outside the Church.He wanted them to contradict the Syllabus of Errors by assuming invisible for us baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance referred to visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and were examples of salvation outside the Church.
This is the interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS accepted by Cardinal Raymond Burke, Massimo Faggioli,Fr.James Martin s.j...

The two popes use a false premise (invisible people are visible), false inference( these invisible but visible people are saved outside the Church) and non traditional conclusion (outside the Church there is known salvation with these invisible-visible cases, so there is a new understanding of the Nicene …More
Lionel L. Andrades
Title should read: Abp.Pozzo wanted the SSPX to sign the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : it's unethicalMore
Title should read:
Abp.Pozzo wanted the SSPX to sign the doctrinal preamble with an irrational premise : it's unethical

Archbishop Guido Pozzo rejects the Syllabus of Errors with Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with the false premise : SSPX must note the doctrinal …

OCTOBER 8, 2017 Archbishop Guido Pozzo rejects the Syllabus of Errors with Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with the false premise : SSPX must note the doctrinal error The SSPX must clarify the …More
OCTOBER 8, 2017
Archbishop Guido Pozzo rejects the Syllabus of Errors with Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with the false premise : SSPX must note the doctrinal error
The SSPX must clarify the doctrinal position of Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J since for them the Syllabus of Errors is redundant and superflous.It is the same also for Pope Benedict.
They have rejected the Syllabus of Errors and they do this by confusing invisible baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.The old eclusivist ecclesiology of the Church is put away with this mix up between what is visible and invisible, known and unknown.
With there being known salvation outside the Church for them ( with the false premise) there isa new ecumenism. It contradicts the Syllabus of …More

Massimo Faggioli and Cardinal Burke have to be shown their theological mistake : rejection of the Syllabus of Errors with a false premise

OCTOBER 8, 2017 Massimo Faggioli and Cardinal Burke have to be shown their theological mistake : rejection of the Syllabus of Errors with a false premise Massimo Faggioli says on Twitter that we have …More
OCTOBER 8, 2017
Massimo Faggioli and Cardinal Burke have to be shown their theological mistake : rejection of the Syllabus of Errors with a false premise
Massimo Faggioli says on Twitter that we have to choose the theology of the Syllabus of Errors or Vatican Council II as interpreted by the popes.
He also says:
This is how Cardinal Raymond Burke reasons too and the complicated theology he hides under the rug and gets on with life.They both use the same reasoning.Faggioli accepts Vatican Council II with an irrationality and Cardinal Burke also accepts Vatican Council II with the irrationality, complains at times, but does not outright reject the Council( with the false premise) as do the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).
The way I see it is, all their problems begin with the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.The false premise was created in 1949 in a big way and then it was made official at Vatican Council II.
The false premise is: invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood (BOB) …More

SSPX begin negotiations immediately : affirm Vatican Council II ( premise free)

OCTOBER 8, 2017 SSPX begin negotiations immediately : affirm Vatican Council II ( premise free) Pope Benedict says Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the hermeneutic of continuity.He is referring …More
OCTOBER 8, 2017
SSPX begin negotiations immediately : affirm Vatican Council II ( premise free)

Pope Benedict says Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the hermeneutic of continuity.He is referring to Vatican Council II (premise-free).
Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei has said that Vatican Council II has a continuity with the past.This is expressed precisely in Vatican Council II ( premise-free).
OCTOBER 7, 2017
Tell your bishop you affirm Vatican Council II(premise-free) : it is rational, simple and traditional and not a rupture with the past…/tell-your-bisho…
OCTOBER 7, 2017 SSPX canonical recognition is assured : Vatican Council II (premise-free) is no more an issue…/sspx-canonical-… OCTOBER 7, 2017 SSPX must re-open negotiations for canonical status : cite new doctrinal references and explanations on this blog…/sspx-must-re-op… -Lionel Andrades

Tell your bishop you affirm Vatican Council II (premise-free) : it is rational, simple and traditional and not a rupture with the past

OCTOBER 7, 2017 Tell your bishop you affirm Vatican Council II (premise-free) : it is rational, simple and traditional and not a rupture with the past We now have a ready-made, made- to- fit Vatican …More
OCTOBER 7, 2017
Tell your bishop you affirm Vatican Council II (premise-free) : it is rational, simple and traditional and not a rupture with the past

We now have a ready-made, made- to- fit Vatican Council II.Any Catholic can affirm it before a bishop or religious superior. Those days are over when the Vatican would ask religious communities to affirm Vatican Council II for canonical status. Since Vatican Council II (premise-free) is traditional,rational and non heretical.
Call up your bishop and tell him you affirm Vatican Council II( premise-free) .Ask him what does he think about it.
If you are a lay Catholic who attends Mass at a SSPX chapel call up the Prior.Ask him what does he think about Vatican Council II ( premise-free).
Similarly if you belong to a liberal religious community, ask the superior if he or she is comfortable with it.
Tell him or her that you affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) like the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century.If he says that's …More