Traditional Catholic Marital Chastity Flow Chart. Historically Accurate.
Is this a Calvinist chart? Within the sacrament of marriage, sex is a gift from God, a good and beautiful thing that brings forth children and unifies the love for man and wife. Catholics are neither prudes or puritans.
Historically accurate.
Jeffrey Ade
Not nice post.
The idea is that we want to promote marriage and babies not put people off.
Where is the one for the wife? How sexist! Must be Novus Ordo!
John A Cassani
How much of that comes from Jansenist manuals? Some of it is fine, and comports with chastity. But, some of it is the sort of stuff that breeds scrupulosity. It’s not a bad thing to follow fasting disciplines, but the Church no longer has any meaningful obligatory fasts.
Official Church Manuals