Eco-SOCIALISM: Francis & the Amazon Schism. This week from the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a much closer look at the eco-theology of the Pan-Amazonian Bishops Synod, to kick off in two weeks. Do …More
Eco-SOCIALISM: Francis & the Amazon Schism.
This week from the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a much closer look at the eco-theology of the Pan-Amazonian Bishops Synod, to kick off in two weeks. Do you think this is really about women deacons and married priests? Or is there something much more sinister going on? Plus, in addition to calling for the establishment of a ‘new humanism,’ Francis borrows a page from Hillary Clinton’s playbook and tells the world that ‘it takes a village’ to establish peace and justice for all. And Jesus Christ? Well, Francis evidently forgot to mention Him again. Finally, in his latest video message, Francis scolds President Trump for being a heretic from the new Eco-Religion when it comes to opting America out of the Parish Treaty on Climate Change. Imagine that! And for that matter, imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try; no hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine there's no countries. . . Francis does!
We will see her again in 2020 as she makes another attempt to defeat Trump.