
Francis Closes Down Another Young Religious Community

Pope Francis has closed down the Hermanos Discípulos de Jesús de San Juan Bautista.

The community was erected under the Bishop of Salta, Argentina, and has houses in Argentina and other countries.

The Vatican named as executor of the community Archbishop Carlos Alfonso Azpiroz Costa of Bahía Blanca.

The group has been under a commissioner since July 2015.

It was founded by Father Agustín Rosa who is accused of “homosexual abuse” of two ex-novices and of "simple sexual abuse" of a woman.

There have been improbable allegations that he had links to the Mexican drug trafficker Chapo Guzmán.

The decision to suppress the group was approved by Francis.

They pray too much
They love God
They are rigid.
Lord God forgive us and get rid this francis apostate.
What is Francis's reasoning behind closing them down?