
The Laity Know! From the greatest to the lowly

Hungary's Foreign Minister: "How Many Churches Celebrate Ad Orientem?" "It was touching to see the young minister who entered the church which was closed because of the danger of collapse and genuflected …More
Hungary's Foreign Minister: "How Many Churches Celebrate Ad Orientem?"
"It was touching to see the young minister who entered the church which was closed because of the danger of collapse and genuflected to the Blessed Sacrament which was in the tabernacle, as was the case on the days of the earthquakes from the 26th to the 30th of August," Corradori said.
The minister asked the Prior of the Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart: "How many churches in Italy celebrate ad orientem?"
read all here; eponymousflower.blogspot.com/…/hungarys-foreig…
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