COVID Panic vs. Fear of the Lord In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the fearlessness of St. John the Baptist and the fear of God. Father explains how an inordinate fear of …More
COVID Panic vs. Fear of the Lord

In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father speaks of the fearlessness of St. John the Baptist and the fear of God. Father explains how an inordinate fear of a virus is, in fact, indicative of a total loss of fear of Almighty God. This fear of physical harm trumps all fear of everlasting damnation. And it is also the fear of death which makes us susceptible to every form of domination and tyranny. Question: Do you think St. John the Baptist would pat our bishops on the back for closing churches and cancelling the Sacraments out of fear of a virus? Plus, Father speaks of an important piece of Catholic action coming up on December 12. More information HERE: remnantnewspaper.com/…84-press-release-savechristmas-rally-this-saturday Don't forget to sign up for Remnant e-blasts so that you will be notified whenever we post a video: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/subscribe-today/free-remnant-updates