De Profundis
On this day in 1571, Christian naval forces were arrayed against the vastly superior, in strength and numbers, Islamic naval forces, in defence of Islamic incursion into Christendom. Pope Pius V called …More
On this day in 1571, Christian naval forces were arrayed against the vastly superior, in strength and numbers, Islamic naval forces, in defence of Islamic incursion into Christendom. Pope Pius V called on all the faithful to pray the Rosary. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Christian forces saved Christendom, defeating the Islamic invaders in the Battle of Lepanto. In honour of this day the Popes instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary which we celebrate today. In order to defeat the power of Antichrist invading our society, we must daily take up our spiritual weapon, the Rosary, and call upon the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.