
Destroying the myth that homosexuals are born that way

The ex-gay movement is gaining steam. Around 100 former homosexuals descended onto Washington, D.C. May 5 to share their testimonies on how they …
I've pasted a link below. This is a good read on the history of how the disorder of homosexuality was normalized. No one is born this way. There is no homo gene. Homo activist keep telling people they are born this way. It's propaganda. It's a lie.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
The safe sex delusion & Catholic response to a gay identity www.drmonicabreaux.com/tvradio.html
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Jim Dorchak That answer is very simple those who have preferred to believe the Pro Gay lies of Bergoglio have stopped believing God and have fallen into apostasy. And by the way, that statement that Cruz attributes to Bergoglio is an heretical blasphemy against God.
Gesù è con noi
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