Archbishop: France Is a "Totalitarian State"

France will enshrine the crime of abortion as a 'constitutional right' in a joint session of parliament next week, after the Senate voted in favour of this abomination on Wednesday night. The regime will make conscientious objection a "crime".

The required majority in parliament is a mere formality. President Emmanuel Macron will proclaim the new constitution on 8 March.

The French Bishops' Conference declared on 29th February that abortion is an attack on life at its very beginning and cannot be seen from the perspective of women's rights. Nobody listens to them because their opposition to the killing of children has been lukewarm and without conviction over the years.

"Where is the 'We must save lives' that was the official [hypocritical] refrain during the Covid crisis?" asked Bishop François Touvet of Fréjus-Toulon.

The former Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, a doctor, wrote on Twitter: "Abortion in the Constitution. The clause for the conscience of caregivers is rejected. The law imposes itself on the conscience that obliges to kill. France has reached rock bottom. It has become a totalitarian state".

He would not have written this if he were still in office. In France, there are more than 200 living cardinals, archbishops and bishops. Virtually all of them will remain silent in the face of the unspeakable crime that the Macron regime is about to commit.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsTjawrtkldc

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