Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View

Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View

The children of same-sex couples have a tough road ahead of them—I know, because I have been there. The last thing we should do is make them feel guilty if the strain gets to them and they feel strange.

Between 1973 and 1990, when my beloved mother passed away, she and her female romantic partner raised me. They had separate houses but spent nearly all their weekends together, with me, in a trailer tucked discreetly in an RV park 50 minutes away from the town where we lived.

As the youngest of my mother’s biological children, I was the only child who experienced childhood without my father being around.

After my mother’s partner’s children had left for college, she moved into our house in town. I lived with both of them for the brief time before my mother died at the age of 53. I was 19.

In other words, I was the only child who experienced life under “gay parenting” as that term is understood today.

Quite simply, growing up with gay parents was very difficult, and not because of prejudice from neighbors.

People in our community didn’t really know what was going on in the house.

To most outside observers, I was a well-raised, high-achieving child, finishing high school with straight A’s.

Read complete essay Here.
I've saved this article, and will use it as referrence for my college classes. Our textbooks are socially correct, and deny any study that is detrimental to the GLBT political agenda. I will also look for additional articles from this author. TY.
Hear in NYC it is getting to be a common occurrence to see two men holding hands while one is cradling a child. GGGGRRROSSSS! The child is going to grow-up hearing his two dads sodomizing each other at night. After abortion this is absolutely the most EVIL thing out there! Gay marriage is bad yet bringing children into that hell home is beyond any sin I can imagine! Abortion is the murder of a life …More
Hear in NYC it is getting to be a common occurrence to see two men holding hands while one is cradling a child. GGGGRRROSSSS! The child is going to grow-up hearing his two dads sodomizing each other at night. After abortion this is absolutely the most EVIL thing out there! Gay marriage is bad yet bringing children into that hell home is beyond any sin I can imagine! Abortion is the murder of a life; taking an infant into a homo home is brainwashing the child in excepting homo behavior that its ok and therefor damns his soul. In a sense this is the BIGEST evil I can think of. No Mercy please God send down liquid lava on their heads! 😡
holyrope 3
So sad for these Innocent children that are placed in the hands of the devil! And those that allow this, are His minions! 🙏 🙏 🙏
😡 Bill SB 1476 allowing a child to have three or more legal “ parents” CALIFORNIA (request by the lobby gay pending for this August)…More
😡 Bill SB 1476 allowing a child to have three or more legal “ parents” CALIFORNIA (request by the lobby gay pending for this August)…
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
This is what happens when what had been scientifically diagnosed a mental illness since the discipline of psychology began is arbitrarily deemed “cured” by the wicked mendacity of political correctness...
...homosexuals desperately need therapy but are either shamed or denigrated if they seek it... we ALL suffer.
Wow. Wow, wow! …More
Comments from FR:

This is what happens when what had been scientifically diagnosed a mental illness since the discipline of psychology began is arbitrarily deemed “cured” by the wicked mendacity of political correctness...

...homosexuals desperately need therapy but are either shamed or denigrated if they seek it... we ALL suffer.

Wow. Wow, wow! What a great article. I recommend reading it in its entirety.

I did not grow up in a gay or bi household, but I am the product of two (hetero) artistic, atheistic intellectuals who did not relate well to outsiders, in a small Texas town. Needless to say, until I grew old enough to figure out the social changes I had to make to myself to be acceptable to society at large, I had a tough life.

Growing up, I thought “weirdo” must be my middle name, as it was applied to me so often. So I really identify with the author of this piece.

This is a brilliant article. Here's another "money quote":

I’m perceptive enough to notice that liberal social policies don’t actually help people in those conditions. Especially damning is the liberal attitude that we shouldn’t be judgmental about sex. In the Bronx gay world, I cleaned out enough apartments of men who’d died of AIDS to understand that resistance to sexual temptation is central to any kind of humane society. Sex can be hurtful not only because of infectious diseases but also because it leaves us vulnerable and more likely to cling to people who don’t love us, mourn those who leave us, and not know how to escape those who need us but whom we don’t love. The left understands none of that. That’s why I am conservative.

"Sex can be hurtful not only because of infectious diseases but also because it leaves us vulnerable and more likely to cling to people who don’t love us, mourn those who leave us, and not know how to escape those who need us but whom we don’t love."
This applies to heterosexual, too. Especially ones from dysfunctional families.

Yes, it does. That is why the natural family and the ancient rites of chastity until marriage, long courtships with both families and worship communities involved, and faithful marriage as THE rite of passage to adulthood were such good institutions for the benefit of society as a whole.

But the forces of feminism, homosexism, eroticism, the ACLU and the SCOTUS thought they knew better.

Sex can be hurtful not only because of infectious diseases but also because it leaves us vulnerable and more likely to cling to people who don’t love us, mourn those who leave us, and not know how to escape those who need us but whom we don’t love.

Amazing that so few people get this. Sex is simply another bodily function, but that's what it's treated as today. And with horrid results.

it is a reminder of the burden I carry and a goad to concern myself first and foremost with my children’s needs, not my sexual desires.

The glaring characteristic that I observe out of the G&L movement is that they are almost totally focused on themselves and what they want. This guy understands that we need to be concerned about other people, his children in particular, and the children of society in general.

That is precisely where the G&L point of view and methods lose all credibility: they ruthlessly pursue their own interests, but care not a nit about those upon whom they are trying to force their views and so-called "rights".