Anti-Nuke Nun Arrested - armed and dangerous.

Photo ~ This image shows the three protestors, who are now in federal custody, days before their alleged break-in

Anti-Nuke Nun Arrested - armed and dangerous.

* Megan Rice, 82, was one of three to allegedly break into heavily guarded nuclear facility in Tennessee.

* Y-12 complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, holds nation's only facility for weapons-grade uranium

* Rice and two men said to be activists against nuclear use; spokesperson for organisation said they spilled blood on uranium before their arrests

* Facility shut down until at least next week

Full story here.
Lol, This is funny but not! It sounds comical because an old Nun broke into a nuclear facility! Its something you would watch on SNL. Yet WHAT THE HELL is a Sister doing this for?! Shouldn't she be in-front of the Blessed Sacrament praying for souls, or feeding and taking care of the poor? Noooooo she is breaking into a nuclear facility. Maybe if they lock this Sister up she will have more time to …More
Lol, This is funny but not! It sounds comical because an old Nun broke into a nuclear facility! Its something you would watch on SNL. Yet WHAT THE HELL is a Sister doing this for?! Shouldn't she be in-front of the Blessed Sacrament praying for souls, or feeding and taking care of the poor? Noooooo she is breaking into a nuclear facility. Maybe if they lock this Sister up she will have more time to pray now. Lol! 🧐
Fidelium...If all Catholics would attend only the traditional Latin Mass and demand it be in All the churches as the Pope has stated, then and only then, will we have the pleasure of witnessing these heretics being put out to pasture, where they belong! Pax
Feminist Novus Ordo Modernist...who else? And Catholics put their $$ in the weekly donations to support these crazies! Your paying for their food, housing, insurance, clothing (ugh!) etc..... When are people going to Wake Up?? Not to mention these revolutionists are pro-choice, pro-homosexual..the list goes on and on.