Chris Muniee

Looking Forward to Our Lady's Triumph

What will conditions be like when the Triumph of Mary finally arrives? I can imagine there will be many awful things we won't have to endure any longer. Thanks be to God.
Merry Christmas and keep praying for Mary's triumph, which is on its way soon.
English Catholic
World Peace is the condition of the fulfilment of the Fatima Message. And the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador, speak of a complete restoration, which fits in with the Fatima message of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, which will usher in the worldwide Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Videos of Our Lady of Good Success:
Part One: PART …More
World Peace is the condition of the fulfilment of the Fatima Message. And the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador, speak of a complete restoration, which fits in with the Fatima message of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, which will usher in the worldwide Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Videos of Our Lady of Good Success:
Part One: PART 1 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Two: PART 2 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Three: PART 3 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Chris Muniee
Yes, that was a fantastic series. TIA is one of my favorite resources as well.
English Catholic
@Chris Muniee. I wish more people would watch these films about these church-approved apparitions, instead of promoting other dubious 'apparitions' as they do today. The Our Lady of Good Success apparitions have had full ecclesiastical approval from the local bishops, since when they occurred in the late 1500's, to the present day. The seer Mother Mariana's Cause is underway and she is now a Venerable …More
@Chris Muniee. I wish more people would watch these films about these church-approved apparitions, instead of promoting other dubious 'apparitions' as they do today. The Our Lady of Good Success apparitions have had full ecclesiastical approval from the local bishops, since when they occurred in the late 1500's, to the present day. The seer Mother Mariana's Cause is underway and she is now a Venerable. Her body, and the bodies of the Founding Mothers of the Convent have been found to be incorrupt. The miraculous statue has received a Canonical Coronation, and the Quito convent has been declared an official Archdiocesan Marian Sanctuary. But amazingly, these apparitions are for our times, as declared by the seer Ven. Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. Another website which promotes the devotion is Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success, Inc. | Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success Nuestra Senora del Buen Suceso