Chris Muniee

Behold "Special Event" Catholicism

Are you excited about all the praise-and-worship music, indigenous dancing, and overall rootin' tootin' good time everyone's having at the Indianapolis 500 Eucharistic Congress? Well, maybe not . . .More
Are you excited about all the praise-and-worship music, indigenous dancing, and overall rootin' tootin' good time everyone's having at the Indianapolis 500 Eucharistic Congress? Well, maybe not . . .
Servum Tuum Domina
What is the difference between this garbage and the Protestant mega churches?
Father Karl A Claver
The Mass is NOT supposed to make you FEEL GOOD.
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Taxation is Theft . . . and Murder!

What does paying taxes have to do with the Slaughter of the Innocents in the Gospel? I'll explain . . .
chris griffin
Planned Parenthood receives $500 million dollars from governments to murder the unborn in addition to many millions from donations.

Let's Try Anti-Gay Slime Month Now

We can counter the previous month's horrors (which continue unabated) with a solid dose of reality. I provide that, complete with numerous reasons sodomy is the most disgusting thing imaginable.More
We can counter the previous month's horrors (which continue unabated) with a solid dose of reality. I provide that, complete with numerous reasons sodomy is the most disgusting thing imaginable.
Even the demons are disgusted by this sin.

Are you Deathly Afraid of the Internet?

This might be less of a concern for users, but am I the only one who has detected a cowardice or fear of the Internet, particularly among somewhat traditional clergy and laity.
Chris Muniee
Bingo! It's part of the whole "move along, nothing to see here" agenda. This includes any number of "trad" figures as well.
Frank Walker of Canon 212 has called out all those conservative Catholic Inc. pundits who warn people of looking at specifically Church & other news …More
Frank Walker of Canon 212 has called out all those conservative Catholic Inc. pundits who warn people of looking at specifically Church & other news online. They recommend a "fast" from social media, etc. to maintain one's "peace of mind". Granted the Internet provides a lot of temptation and occasions to sin; but it also gives information that is being actively suppressed by bad actors. It's no wonder why governments and others are calling for more censorship of it. They want to keep us ignorant of any alternatives to their narrative or the "party line"!

Why Do People Bother with Conservatism?

. . . when we know the vastly superior path to holiness is Traditional Catholicism. This article explains why conservatism doesn't work, especially in the Russian context, and how the real solution is …More
. . . when we know the vastly superior path to holiness is Traditional Catholicism. This article explains why conservatism doesn't work, especially in the Russian context, and how the real solution is the Consecration to Mary's Immaculate Heart.
Father Karl A Claver
Conservatives have NOT CONSERVED anything. They keep changing their positions which always end up toward liberal and left leaning beliefs.
Sean Johnson
Answer: Because they place obedience over truth, and the hierarchy won’t allow real conservatism.
Chris Muniee

Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

How do you get to the bottom of the "high crimes" of Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Go beneath the surface to discover its roots . . .
Maria delos Angeles
Peter is trying to cut the tree down?
Chris Muniee
NOTE: You'll have to click the picture to see the full picture (the ROOTS).
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How to Discern Supernatural Apparitions (Hint: Ignore Tucho)

So, we know Tucho is going "Touch" some of the approved apparitions next week. I propose that Catholics get better at discerning apparitions now (while we still have the chance).
chris griffin
I hope the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God will soon make an appearance condemning abortion.

Have You Ever Read Windswept House by Malachi Martin?

It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy …More
It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy. Enjoy.
Live Mike
I am certain that good men like Mr. Sean Johnson have never uttered words in their entire life that were said rashly or for effect and could not withstand …More
I am certain that good men like Mr. Sean Johnson have never uttered words in their entire life that were said rashly or for effect and could not withstand the critique of pious Catholics.
Sean Johnson
The blasphemous claim mentioned below is unknown to the gospel accounts, or any of the writings, teachings, or commentaries of the Fathers, saints, …More
The blasphemous claim mentioned below is unknown to the gospel accounts, or any of the writings, teachings, or commentaries of the Fathers, saints, popes, Doctors, or theologians, and unknown even to any private revelations. Neither is it alleged by any contemporary writer (Jewish, pagan, or Christian) or historian.
Moreover, such practice, contrary to what is asserted, was rare.
Consequently, the blasphemous allegation that such a thing happened implies secret knowledge of alleged “secret sufferings” of Our Lord, which is Gnosticism.
Consequently, any such claim is not merely gratuitous and blasphemous, but heretical.
Was Jesus Really Sexually Abused? No.
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2024: The Easiest Time to Despise the World

There's been no better time, like right now, to return to God, and utterly despise the world.More
There's been no better time, like right now, to return to God, and utterly despise the world.

Diocesan Priests Aren't Zombies!

In this article, I tackle two topics: 1) Lack of canonized diocesan priests, and 2) The FSSP's infection with "Type-II Zombie Obeedance." Enjoy . . .

Letter to Raleigh's Bishop Zarama: Implementing Fiducia Supplicans?

I sent this letter to the Bishop of Raleigh, who has yet to render a verdict on blessing sodoomy in his diocese. I wonder what he'll say . . .
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s a wonder that your Bishop hasn’t excommunicated you yet. Keep up the good work. And as I’m sure you already know, he’ll never …More
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s a wonder that your Bishop hasn’t excommunicated you yet. Keep up the good work. And as I’m sure you already know, he’ll never respond to you officially, just as there was never any official response to the original Dubia the Cardinals submitted. Sadly, it wouldn’t even matter what you actually said to him nor how respectful you said it, because today’s Prelates have, for the most part, gone completely off the range. Heaven’s blessings, my Brother. 😎
Ronald P Coleman shares this
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A Fictional Narrative: From Mass Migrant Terrorist Attacks to Our Lady's Triumph

So, what would terrorist attacks, the end of Antipope Bergoglio, the Three Darys of Darkness, and Our Lady's Triumph actually look like?

ECU Newman Center: A Case Study on Deviant Religious Harboring Sodomy

Why do so many places seem to "go gay" with the help of so-called consecrated religious? Here's a case study from my neck of the woods.
John A Cassani
Just as many seminaries had homosexual subcultures (many were even dominated by it in the 70s and early 80s), so did religious houses. The difference …More
Just as many seminaries had homosexual subcultures (many were even dominated by it in the 70s and early 80s), so did religious houses. The difference is that seminaries have natural turnover, even if offenders aren’t kicked out. It’s much easier to get rid of, anyway. Many religious houses “went gay” without having the natural turnover, while never reorienting, and they love to promote it.
English Catholic
A lot of dissenting so-called 'Catholic' organisations misuse St John Henry Newman's name, based on the utter falsehood that he was in some kind of …More
A lot of dissenting so-called 'Catholic' organisations misuse St John Henry Newman's name, based on the utter falsehood that he was in some kind of homosexual relationship with his friend Ambrose St John. This lie has been repeated often. And also has been refuted. When Ian Ker reissued his biography of Newman in 2009, he added an afterword in which he put forward evidence that Newman was heterosexual. He cited journal entries from December 1816 in which the 15-year-old Newman prayed to be preserved from the temptations awaiting him when he returned from boarding school and met girls at Christmas dances and parties. As an adult, Newman wrote about the deep pain of the "sacrifice" of the life of celibacy. Ker comments: "The only 'sacrifice' that he could possibly be referring to was that of marriage. And he readily acknowledges that from time to time he continued to feel the natural attraction for marriage that any heterosexual man would." In 1833, Newman wrote that, despite having "…More
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Do you have a dictator running your nearby Catholic parish?

Priests, like Fr. Jim Magee in North Carolina, fly under the radar, quietly carrying out the Bergoglio regime's menace of modernism.
This is nothing new. I went to many a parish in the 80s & 90s that had these little 'dictators'. They did everything from banning Adoration to having …More
This is nothing new. I went to many a parish in the 80s & 90s that had these little 'dictators'. They did everything from banning Adoration to having Stations of the Cross & altar rails removed. When I was in seminary in the early 90s a group of us were labeled divisive for praying the Rosary together! It was 'allowed' individually in private - but was considered a formation issue to gather to pray it publicly! 😲 🙏

Will Our Lady's Triumph Resemble the Egyptian Exodus?

Enjoy this short reflection on what life might look like post-chastisement and Triumph of Mary.More
Enjoy this short reflection on what life might look like post-chastisement and Triumph of Mary.
All Catholics should eagerly look forward to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart for the sole reason that God will be greatly glorified by and and …More
All Catholics should eagerly look forward to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart for the sole reason that God will be greatly glorified by and and Satan's head will be crushed.
JMJ excellent thinking and agree with everything you suggest. Something to add is Our Lord’s promise in the Our Father, “Thy Will be done on earth as …More
JMJ excellent thinking and agree with everything you suggest. Something to add is Our Lord’s promise in the Our Father, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” This indeed would be Our Lady’s greatest possible Triumph! Nothing God hasn’t already given mankind, as this is a return of the gift given and then removed from Adam and Eve. The New Adam and the New Eve will restore. All found in the Book of Heaven by SOG Luisa Piccarreta. Ave Maria
Chris Muniee

Looking Forward to Our Lady's Triumph

What will conditions be like when the Triumph of Mary finally arrives? I can imagine there will be many awful things we won't have to endure any longer. Thanks be to God. . Merry Christmas and keep …More
What will conditions be like when the Triumph of Mary finally arrives? I can imagine there will be many awful things we won't have to endure any longer. Thanks be to God.
Merry Christmas and keep praying for Mary's triumph, which is on its way soon.
English Catholic
World Peace is the condition of the fulfilment of the Fatima Message. And the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito …More
World Peace is the condition of the fulfilment of the Fatima Message. And the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador, speak of a complete restoration, which fits in with the Fatima message of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, which will usher in the worldwide Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Videos of Our Lady of Good Success:
Part One: PART 1 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Two: PART 2 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Three: PART 3 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
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Chris Muniee

Why do the 10 Planks of Marxism Lead to Abortion?

Which evil mechanisms (other than demons) lead people to choose abortion?More
Which evil mechanisms (other than demons) lead people to choose abortion?
Chris Muniee

Why Don't Trad Catholics Fight?

Is it time for us to get a little tougher and fight back against the evil antichurch?More
Is it time for us to get a little tougher and fight back against the evil antichurch?
Chris Muniee

Can Antipopes "Depose" Bishops?

Of course, they can't. That's why Bishop Strickland Should Not Recognize; Just Resist!More
Of course, they can't. That's why Bishop Strickland Should Not Recognize; Just Resist!
Louis IX
Does a recent photo of Bergoglio exist online? For an obese man with one lung and intestinal problems (possible cancer?) he seems to be acting with …More
Does a recent photo of Bergoglio exist online? For an obese man with one lung and intestinal problems (possible cancer?) he seems to be acting with great vigor for an 86 year old. If he was incapacitated would the “guys” running the Vatican tell us?
Caution: The attempted removal of a legitimately appointed Bishop is a sleight of hand trick designed to validate the election of someone else. Suggest …More
Caution: The attempted removal of a legitimately appointed Bishop is a sleight of hand trick designed to validate the election of someone else. Suggest the good Bishop remain at his post in fidelity to his God. Now is not the time for knee-jerk reactions.
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Chris Muniee

Should You "Accept" Vatican II?

No, we should beg God to Destroy the Poltergeist of Vatican II.More
No, we should beg God to Destroy the Poltergeist of Vatican II.
Hound of Heaven
Many of the writings from Vatican II, and post Vatican II, are filled with 'weasel words' which, upon first glance, can 'sound good' but, when astutely …More
Many of the writings from Vatican II, and post Vatican II, are filled with 'weasel words' which, upon first glance, can 'sound good' but, when astutely analyzed, do not stand up to theological or doctrinal scrutiny. The majority of Catholics are not aware of the content of these documents, nor are they equipped to analyze them as well as they should be analyzed (I do not completely exclude myself from these shortcomings). The malignant branches which have sprouted from these bad roots, however, are too pervasive and evident not to be challenged and severely pruned to make the Faith tree of Catholicism a healthy one again.