Chris Muniee
Chris Muniee shares from Chris Muniee

The Bergoglio Dossier: An Intellectual Midget's Guide to Why There is No 'Pope Francis'

Catholics aren't zombies, but we can become one if we refuse to face difficult subjects, including the reality of today's Church. Do you need help with discerning whether there actually is a Pope …More
Catholics aren't zombies, but we can become one if we refuse to face difficult subjects, including the reality of today's Church.
Do you need help with discerning whether there actually is a Pope Francis amid all the heresy, pagan worship, McCarrick hiding, TLM stomping, and Anglican liturgical invasions?
Well, look no further than The Bergoglio Dossier: An Intellectual Midget's Guide to Why There is No 'Pope Francis.'
Now, you can put all that melancholy and cognitive dissonance to rest because it turns out . . . he's not the pope for all the reasons I present in this reader-friendly guide to the antipapacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Want to learn about creepy Cardinal-Bernardin-inspired pectoral crosses?
How about the German gibberish of Pope Benedict's resignation?
I even account for Bergoglio's delightful career as Vicar of All Things Pagan, where our intrepid antipope pays homage to ALL THE PAGAN IDOLS like no other antipope before him.
Enjoy! -Chris Munier