Chris Muniee
Chris Muniee

Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

Yes! Call a spade a spade, a heretic a heretic, a fag a fag, and an antipope an antipope. Oh, how we mince words these days . . .
Chris Muniee

Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

Yes, by calling "Francis" to resign. However, he fails to recognize the greater problem (that another antipope will follow to replace him).
Chris Muniee

Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

NOTE: You'll have to click the picture to see the full picture (the ROOTS).
Chris Muniee

Have You Ever Read Windswept House by Malachi Martin?

Ah, I can even take it a step further and recommend listening to old Malachi Martin interviews (like this one from the 1970s), and contrast it with the older Martin of the 1990s (when he wrote Windswept House). You should notice a distinct difference in tone, less sarcasm, and I would say further emphasis on Catholic tradition. He was a solid priest back in the day, but I contend got much better …More
Ah, I can even take it a step further and recommend listening to old Malachi Martin interviews (like this one from the 1970s), and contrast it with the older Martin of the 1990s (when he wrote Windswept House). You should notice a distinct difference in tone, less sarcasm, and I would say further emphasis on Catholic tradition. He was a solid priest back in the day, but I contend got much better with age. I imagine by the 1990s (when he did the Art Bell interviews) he had stared into the abyss sufficiently to atone for past errors, and had collected an even stronger justification for the traditional religion.
Chris Muniee

Have You Ever Read Windswept House by Malachi Martin?

Yes, and in the novel, there's a very fascinating way Fr. Gladstone (the fictional protagonist) discovers Bishop Russel in Richmond (who dies before he can interrogate him). Hint: a possessed person tells his friend to check the Virgin Byways to find the satanic mother chapel.
I wouldn't be surprised that the entire American southeast (South Carolina, Virginia, etc.) suffers some various serious …More
Yes, and in the novel, there's a very fascinating way Fr. Gladstone (the fictional protagonist) discovers Bishop Russel in Richmond (who dies before he can interrogate him). Hint: a possessed person tells his friend to check the Virgin Byways to find the satanic mother chapel.

I wouldn't be surprised that the entire American southeast (South Carolina, Virginia, etc.) suffers some various serious side effects from that wicked Entrhonement. These things DEFINITELY have consequences, often long term.
Chris Muniee

Embarrassing: Francis’ Annual Washing of Politically Correct Feet

If I heard correctly, he stopped saying Mass recently, but still does all the feet worshipping. Hmm . . .
Chris Muniee

Letter to Raleigh's Bishop Zarama: Implementing Fiducia Supplicans?

I've saved a nice spot on my wall for the Bull of Excommunication from the Anti-Church. Thanks and God bless you as well.
Chris Muniee

ECU Newman Center: A Case Study on Deviant Religious Harboring Sodomy

Yes, I would imagine even just as a matter of managing space, it would not have been uncommon to bury multiple clergy in a single lot (similar to the way many cemetaries bury married spouses vertically in a single area).
Chris Muniee

ECU Newman Center: A Case Study on Deviant Religious Harboring Sodomy

Do you have any further insight into that business about Newman being buried with his "lover"? I've heard different takes on it, including that such burials (involving friends) were common in England. Thank you for your perspective.
Chris Muniee

Sodomia Supplicans: Dutch Bishops Only Bless Individual Homosexuals

I guess if you're fag couple in that country, you'll have to "go Dutch" on the blessing.
Chris Muniee

From last year’s Ice chapel Mass at Michigan Technological University

I suppose they're not really all that "technological" then.
Chris Muniee

Threatening: Israel's Netanyahu: "It's not just our war, it's your war as well. This is the war of …

I call it "Jew-ism." Also, I'm sorry, Mr. Net & Yahoo, but this is your war. I don't care about your wars and rumors of wars.
Chris Muniee

608. Who invented social distancing? – World Scam

If memory serves me correctly, most of those virus gimmicks (including wearing face panties) came from a highschool student who made them up for an academic contest the previous year.
Chris Muniee

WE THREE KINGS!- An Epiphany Message from Bishop Strickland

We shall champion the Mass and beard associated with Pope St. Pius V. Deus vult!
Chris Muniee

E. Michael Jones: Blatantly untrue. Blessing the couple is blessing their sin

Perhaps Mr. Jones believes these Finnochio blessings are a "category of the mind."
Chris Muniee

Vatican media director denies Benedict was forced out

"Continuing with the story of abdication-non-abdication is first of all an offense against the intelligence and moral integrity of Benedict XVI, who would never have renounced the Pontificate if he had been pressured to do so (as all his collaborators know they tried to dissuade him) and he carried out this thoughtful act in complete freedom."
It's not a matter of intelligence. It's one of mis-…More
"Continuing with the story of abdication-non-abdication is first of all an offense against the intelligence and moral integrity of Benedict XVI, who would never have renounced the Pontificate if he had been pressured to do so (as all his collaborators know they tried to dissuade him) and he carried out this thoughtful act in complete freedom."

It's not a matter of intelligence. It's one of mis-guided theology, which one can verify by reading the Miller Thesis or even the documents of the Evil 2nd Vatican Council. Those will tell you all you need to know about collegiality (in the inversion of papal infallibility), bifurcating the papacy, demythologizing the papacy, and so forth.

Then again, it's highly likely the pope had to concoct all that munus/ministerium dribble since he had the Clinton Empire holding a gun to the back of his head, forcing him to resign. Today's mainstream Boobus Catholicus commentators don't seem to acknowledge these things.
Chris Muniee

Looking Forward to Our Lady's Triumph

Yes, that was a fantastic series. TIA is one of my favorite resources as well.
Chris Muniee

Francis Relies on More Self-Promotion

There, you'll be able to grab several copies sitting on top of "the table of plenty."
Chris Muniee

Francis Relies on More Self-Promotion

Avoid the mistake of thinking this communist is (or ever has been) the pope. Instead, recognize that he's a vicious enemy of the Church, seeking to destroy it.
Chris Muniee

Francis Finds Solutions to the Oedipus Complex

What would he call it? The Oedipus Rite?