WE THREE KINGS!- An Epiphany Message from Bishop Strickland As we celebrate Epiphany this year, it is important to recognize what Epiphany really means. Epiphany is the world embracing the Truth …More
WE THREE KINGS!- An Epiphany Message from Bishop Strickland
As we celebrate Epiphany this year, it is important to recognize what Epiphany really means. Epiphany is the world embracing the Truth Incarnate. The Wise Men represent a shining forth of this new light into the World.
Epiphany is a beautiful opportunity to expand what Christmas is all about.
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@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Have you considered that Jesus most likely had a beard. I do not think that the walmart in Jerusalem carried razors and razor blades. Have you ever tried to shave with a knife?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@frawley -I do know, that until recently, it was considered bad etiquette or bad style for a Catholic bishop (at least in the USA) to wear a mustache or beard. In the 1890's it was actually I think prohibited, because many USA bishops thought that priests and/or bishops wearing beards or mustaches was too much like Protestant clergy, which many of them wore beards or mustaches or untrimmed sideburns …More
@frawley -I do know, that until recently, it was considered bad etiquette or bad style for a Catholic bishop (at least in the USA) to wear a mustache or beard. In the 1890's it was actually I think prohibited, because many USA bishops thought that priests and/or bishops wearing beards or mustaches was too much like Protestant clergy, which many of them wore beards or mustaches or untrimmed sideburns. Under our Archdiocese of Philadelphia's last great CArdinal Archbishop, John Krol (1961-1989 term), it was prohibited for priests and seminarians to wear beards or mustaches. John XXIII was very much against beards or moustaches for the clergy in general, but he made exceptions for Eastern Rite clergy and 2-3 Cardinals who had adopted the habit.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't pay much attention to him anymore since he grew his beard. It looks bad form for a bishop.
Chris Muniee
We shall champion the Mass and beard associated with Pope St. Pius V. Deus vult!