Why does he say this now?

Vatican media director denies Benedict was forced out

The worst affront to the person and today to the memory of Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI from 2005 to 2013, is to revive the incoherent and …
Chris Muniee
"Continuing with the story of abdication-non-abdication is first of all an offense against the intelligence and moral integrity of Benedict XVI, who would never have renounced the Pontificate if he had been pressured to do so (as all his collaborators know they tried to dissuade him) and he carried out this thoughtful act in complete freedom."
It's not a matter of intelligence. It's one of mis-…More
"Continuing with the story of abdication-non-abdication is first of all an offense against the intelligence and moral integrity of Benedict XVI, who would never have renounced the Pontificate if he had been pressured to do so (as all his collaborators know they tried to dissuade him) and he carried out this thoughtful act in complete freedom."

It's not a matter of intelligence. It's one of mis-guided theology, which one can verify by reading the Miller Thesis or even the documents of the Evil 2nd Vatican Council. Those will tell you all you need to know about collegiality (in the inversion of papal infallibility), bifurcating the papacy, demythologizing the papacy, and so forth.

Then again, it's highly likely the pope had to concoct all that munus/ministerium dribble since he had the Clinton Empire holding a gun to the back of his head, forcing him to resign. Today's mainstream Boobus Catholicus commentators don't seem to acknowledge these things.