Threatening: Israel's Netanyahu: "It's not just our war, it's your war as well. This is the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness."
Credo .
Spot on. This is the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness. 🤔 Yoshimori, It is clear that you know very little of history, when it comes to Israel! You sound like a very anti-semitic speaking Catholic! Can you not see WE ARE THE INFIDELS, and the Moslems are out to get us, especially Christians. Check out the De profundis Psalm 129, 6/7/8. (A canticle by David). From the morning …More
Spot on. This is the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness. 🤔 Yoshimori, It is clear that you know very little of history, when it comes to Israel! You sound like a very anti-semitic speaking Catholic! Can you not see WE ARE THE INFIDELS, and the Moslems are out to get us, especially Christians. Check out the De profundis Psalm 129, 6/7/8. (A canticle by David). From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord, because with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him is plentiful redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Douay Rheims version. If I were an American citizen I would vote for Trump! If by chance you can purchase a Pardon Crucifix by Pope Pius X, you would find a lot of answers. Some of the promises include - The return of the Nations to the Faith; Forgiveness among Christians, and reconciliation among the members of the Catholic Church! 😍 God bless. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry Net, this is your war, the Israelis/Jews war. No one else. Don't expect the USA to come flying to your rescue if the war expands. No one in the USA wants that...going to war for the sake of Israel.
Go it alone. If you lose, then you lose. No more Israel.
Netanyahu knows he has already lost. Now he is desperate to involve the entire world. He should have stopped the settlements but instead encouraged and facilitated them.
Lost? The IDF has totally wrecked Hamas. He is right, though, Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization that also plots attacks on the US. You may not be at war with Islamists but they are at war with you. They don't just want to take over Israel but have the goal to put the whole world under Sharia Law.
Uni Versum
@pw If you follow true prophetic words of current times, you know that Israel will annihilate Hamas (which means violence/terrorism), by bringing down the evil (devil worshiping) current rulers of Iran, where Hamas gets its funding from.
Israel is Forever. Like Christianity is Forever.
Christ is Coming Back Soon. These are the end times, the final battle, the final victory of Good over evil.
We. …More
@pw If you follow true prophetic words of current times, you know that Israel will annihilate Hamas (which means violence/terrorism), by bringing down the evil (devil worshiping) current rulers of Iran, where Hamas gets its funding from.

Israel is Forever. Like Christianity is Forever.

Christ is Coming Back Soon. These are the end times, the final battle, the final victory of Good over evil.

We. Will. Win.
Chris Muniee
I call it "Jew-ism." Also, I'm sorry, Mr. Net & Yahoo, but this is your war. I don't care about your wars and rumors of wars.
Uni Versum
We all need to learn to discern the real Jews (the descendants of the Israelites) from the Khazarian fake Jews (read: Zionists).
Never condemn Israel as a whole, you would throw the baby with the bathwater.More
We all need to learn to discern the real Jews (the descendants of the Israelites) from the Khazarian fake Jews (read: Zionists).

Never condemn Israel as a whole, you would throw the baby with the bathwater.
U S Spacy
Israel is a mystery
Bruceph Mildur
Um, as I understand it, Catholics are the Jews. The Jews, not so much.