Chris Muniee

Antipope Bergoglio: A Simple Root Cause Analysis

How do you get to the bottom of the "high crimes" of Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Go beneath the surface to discover its roots . . .

Maria delos Angeles
Peter is trying to cut the tree down?
Chris Muniee
Yes, by calling "Francis" to resign. However, he fails to recognize the greater problem (that another antipope will follow to replace him).
Maria delos Angeles
Peter really needs to find a way to call a spade a spade, not an axe a spade.
Chris Muniee
Yes! Call a spade a spade, a heretic a heretic, a fag a fag, and an antipope an antipope. Oh, how we mince words these days . . .
Maria delos Angeles
Talking of a fag and mincing, we have in Brit slang the word mincer for maybe the ones that surround the antipope. Hopefully I wont get in trouble for speech..
Chris Muniee
NOTE: You'll have to click the picture to see the full picture (the ROOTS).