Buenos Aires rosary protest: the facts

Photo ~ Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina

In reaction to some inaccurate reporting by the Associated Press on a demonstration during an ecumenical inter-religious event in the Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires in Argentina, SSPX.ORG interviewed Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of South America, to offer some clarifications on the matter, which we make available here.

The Argentina cathedral once again hosted the inter-religious ceremony on Tuesday, November 12th, during which a small group of around 50 Catholics prayed the Rosary before the evening’s ecumenical event began. One of the men also took the opportunity to use an open microphone to denounce the inter-religious act in a Catholic cathedral.

In reaction, some members of the audience stood up and repudiated the rosary-praying Catholics to their face, even spitting on them. Buenos Aires Archbishop Mario Poli attempted to appeal for calm in the cathedral saying: "Let there be peace. Shalom," while urging everyone to retake their seats for the inter-religious ceremony that would be led by Rabbi Abraham Skorka.

In response to some questions during the interviews with Radio La Red and with cn23tv, Fr. Bouchacourt made some very pertinent points about the Catholic motive behind the cathedral protest:

The protesters have a right to feel outraged when rabbis preside over a ceremony in a Catholic cathedral.

We recognize the authority of the pope, but he is not infallible [in everything he does] and in this case, he does things we cannot accept.

This wasn't a desire to make a rebellion, but to show our love for a Catholic church, which has been built for the Catholic Faith.

A Mass isn't celebrated in a synagogue, nor in a mosque. The Muslims don't accept it. In the same way, we Catholics cannot accept the presence of another faith [practiced] in our church.

The churches are built for Catholic worship and historically, the Church condemned those who allowed other religions to celebrate in Catholic churches. ...This is a reaction of faithful who are scandalized. ....The popes in the past have always condemned this type of [inter-religious] meeting. This is a violation of a Catholic church.


SSPX disrupts interfaith service at Buenos Aires cathedral (VIDEO)