SSPX disrupts interfaith service at Buenos Aires cathedral (VIDEO)

Photo ~ Rodolfo Pezzoni,DyN/Associated Press - A woman attending a ceremony that marks the beginning of the Holocaust, left, tries to stop ultra-traditionalist Catholics from interrupting an interfaith event at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina, late Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013. The small group disrupted by shouting the rosary and the “Our Father” prayer, and spreading pamphlets saying “followers of false gods must be kept out of the sacred temple."

Ultra-traditionalist Catholics (SSPX) have openly challenged Pope Francis by disrupting one of his favorite events, a ceremony that he and Jewish leaders led in the Metropolitan Cathedral each year to promote religious harmony on the anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust.

The annual ceremony brings together Catholics, Jews and Protestants to mark Kristallnacht, the Nazi-led mob violence in 1938 when about 1,000 Jewish synagogues were burned and thousands of Jews were forced into concentration camps, launching the genocide that killed 6 million Jews.


“Let there be peace. Shalom,” Poli then said (Buenos Aires Archbishop Mario Poli), urging everyone to take their seats for a ceremony that was also led by Rabbi Abraham Skorka, a close friend of the pope who co-wrote a book of dialogue seeking common ground between Judaism and Catholicism.

“Dear Jewish brothers, please feel at home, because that’s the way Christians want it, despite these signs of intolerance,” Poli said. “Your presence here doesn’t desecrate a temple of God. We will continue in peace this encounter that Pope Francis always promoted, valued and appreciated so much.”

The Rev. Christian Bouchacourt, the South America leader of the Society of Saint Pius X, said Wednesday that the protesters belong to his organization and that they have a right to feel outraged when rabbis preside over a ceremony in a cathedral. “I recognize the authority of the pope, but he is not infallible and in this case, does things we cannot accept,” Bouchacourt said in an interview with Radio La Red.

Thanks to George Soros,the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Richard Dawkins, Lady Gaga and Oprah for submitting this news article.

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¡...ARTÍCULO DE GEORGE SOROS! 🤨 🤨 🤨 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Surprise!!! George Soros in 🤦 🤬 🤬 🤬
padre geremia
Objectively what they are doing is good but in such circumstance i think they exaggerated a lot 😡 🤐
william xucla
Why are you accepting articles from George Soros?