padre geremia
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Catholic Philippines. As filippino catholics we have the duty 2 protect our faith and put them in 2 practice!Higit pa
Catholic Philippines.
As filippino catholics we have the duty 2 protect our faith and put them in 2 practice!
padre geremia
Cathopinoy news flash experiment. Next time i will do it in english, tagalog & italian pray 4 me!Higit pa
Cathopinoy news flash experiment.
Next time i will do it in english, tagalog & italian pray 4 me!
padre geremia
Short filippino Poem. Madaling tula na alsm ng lahat!/ short filuppino poem known 2 all!Higit pa
Short filippino Poem.
Madaling tula na alsm ng lahat!/ short filuppino poem known 2 all!
padre geremia
Vatican warns bishops of schismatic groups in Philippines. Catholics in the philippines beware of this heretics!Higit pa
Vatican warns bishops of schismatic groups in Philippines.
Catholics in the philippines beware of this heretics!
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padre geremia
Mga kalamidad, pagsubok nga ba sa pananampalataya ng mga Pinoy? Ang Pagsubok hindi tinatakasan bagamat hinaharap ng may kababaang loob at matibay na pananampalataya sa Diyos!Higit pa
Mga kalamidad, pagsubok nga ba sa pananampalataya ng mga Pinoy?
Ang Pagsubok hindi tinatakasan bagamat hinaharap ng may kababaang loob at matibay na pananampalataya sa Diyos!
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padre geremia
Not Even the typhoon can take away their priestly vocation. 7 priest ordained in the midst of the rubble of the church destroyed by the typhoon YOLANDAHigit pa
Not Even the typhoon can take away their priestly vocation.
7 priest ordained in the midst of the rubble of the church destroyed by the typhoon YOLANDA
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padre geremia
Ang Mayabang na Simbahan ni Manalo. Sabi ng mga iglesia ni manalo/cristo hindi daw matitinag ang kanilang mga spaceship este! simbahan pala dahil sila ang tunay na iglesia, e ano ngayon?Higit pa
Ang Mayabang na Simbahan ni Manalo.
Sabi ng mga iglesia ni manalo/cristo hindi daw matitinag ang kanilang mga spaceship este! simbahan pala dahil sila ang tunay na iglesia, e ano ngayon?
padre geremia
Pope Francis and Asking Why? THis is from Rome REPORTHigit pa
Pope Francis and Asking Why?
THis is from Rome REPORT
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Pope to Filipino community: pray with a child’s simplicity. Important and beautiful celebration last 21 novemberHigit pa
Pope to Filipino community: pray with a child’s simplicity.
Important and beautiful celebration last 21 november
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If we hold on 2 Jesus & Mary. Praise be Jesus and Mary forever!Higit pa
If we hold on 2 Jesus & Mary.
Praise be Jesus and Mary forever!
padre geremia
The Great Difference is that which makes sense. I hope modernist liturgist will start to think!Higit pa
The Great Difference is that which makes sense.
I hope modernist liturgist will start to think!
padre geremia
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The Francis We Never Knew: Surprising Revelations About the Man From Assisi. The Francis We Never Knew: Surprising Revelations About the Man From Assisi by Christopher Blum/Crisis Magazine It would be …Higit pa
The Francis We Never Knew: Surprising Revelations About the Man From Assisi.
The Francis We Never Knew: Surprising Revelations About the Man From Assisi
by Christopher Blum/Crisis Magazine
It would be a pardonable offense were one to greet the prospect of yet another book on St. Francis with a yawn. But in the case of Augustine Thompson’s Francis of Assisi: A New Biography (Cornell, 2012), it would be a mistake. All of us know something about St. Francis, but few of us know the truth. Father Thompson delivers it.
“In his final words to his followers, the issue he found most pressing was not poverty, not obedience, but proper reverence for the Eucharist.” Imagine summing up Saint Francis of Assisi by pointing to his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Yet this is not all we learn from Father Thompson, O.P. In the course of putting to rest various myths about his subject, he tells us surprising truths: for instance, Francis expected his followers to work with their hands rather than to …Higit pa
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beatification of Fr. Gabriele M. Allegra. Card. Amato to celebrate beatification of Fr. Gabriele M. Allegra, “St Jerome of China” VATICAN CITY, Sept. 1, 2012–The Franciscan Curia and Vatican figures …Higit pa
beatification of Fr. Gabriele M. Allegra.
Card. Amato to celebrate beatification of Fr. Gabriele M. Allegra, “St Jerome of China”
VATICAN CITY, Sept. 1, 2012–The Franciscan Curia and Vatican figures have confirmed the reports to AsiaNewsthat Fr. Gabriele Maria Allegra will be beatified Sept. 29 in Acireale by Card. Angelo Amato, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
An Italian Franciscan, Fr. Allegra (1907-1976) was a missionary to China and Hong Kong and is still famous for his masteful translation of sacred texts. “But in addition to his relationship with China – said postulator, the Franciscan Fr. Giovangiuseppe Califano – his beatification takes into account his religious virtues.”
“The Vatican – said the monk – are emphasizing his commitment as much as a biblical scholar and teacher of many young people, but they also recall his fidelity to the Franciscan rule, his charity to the poor, his devotion to the Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin “.
For now, the …Higit pa
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Traditional Latin Mass in the oldest university of the PHILIPPINES. TLM returns to the world's largest Catholic university campus The Societas Ecclesia Dei Sancti Joseph, a Filipino Catholic society …Higit pa
Traditional Latin Mass in the oldest university of the PHILIPPINES.
TLM returns to the world's largest Catholic university campus
The Societas Ecclesia Dei Sancti Joseph, a Filipino Catholic society dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass and a member of Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce, has announced that the TLM has returned to the Dominican-run University of Santo Tomas in Manila.
University of Santo Tomas, Manila
Founded in 1611, it is the Philippines' sole Pontifical University and the world's largest Catholic university located in one campus in terms of student numbers (around 45,000 students in the Manila campus).
As previously announced, the evening of August 24, 2012 saw the Traditional Latin Mass being celebrated in public in the University of Santo Tomas (UST) for the first time since the liturgical reforms of Paul VI took effect. UST is the Philippines' oldest existing university and sole Pontifical University. It is also the world's largest Catholic university located …Higit pa
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padre geremia
Sono cresciuto con genitori omosessuali, è stata una disgrazia" "Sono cresciuto con genitori omosessuali, è stata una disgrazia" 25 agosto, 2012 /sito: UCCR La rivista scientifica “Social Science …Higit pa
Sono cresciuto con genitori omosessuali, è stata una disgrazia"
"Sono cresciuto con genitori omosessuali, è stata una disgrazia"
25 agosto, 2012 /sito: UCCR
La rivista scientifica “Social Science Research” ha pubblicato nel giugno scorso due studi sulle problematiche dei bambini cresciuti all’interno di una relazione omosessuale. Il primo è quello del sociologo dell’Università del Texas, Mark Regnerus, basato sul più grande campione rappresentativo casuale a livello nazionale, il quale ha intervistato direttamente i “figli” (ormai cresciuti) di genitori omosessuali, dimostrando un significativo aumento del tasso di malessere esistenziale. Il secondo studio è stato realizzato da Loren Marks, nel quale è stata confutata la posizione (politica) dell’American Psychological Association (APA), secondo la quale i figli di genitori gay o lesbiche non sarebbero svantaggiati rispetto a quelli di coppie eteorsessuali, analizzando i 59 studi a sostegno di tale tesi, dimostrandone la scarsa …Higit pa
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Priest, nun languish in jail for killing crane chicks. Priest, nun languish in jail for killing crane chicks August 25, 2012: A Catholic priest and a nun accused of killing crane chicks and violating …Higit pa
Priest, nun languish in jail for killing crane chicks.
Priest, nun languish in jail for killing crane chicks
August 25, 2012: A Catholic priest and a nun accused of killing crane chicks and violating forest laws continue to languish in a North Indian jail. Fr. Simon D’Cunha and Sr. Deena completed 17 days on Friday, in a sub jail in Haldwani, a town in Uttarakhand state.
“We are very much disappointed and sad that bail has been denied to them,” Bishop Anthony Fernandes of Bareilly told The prelate said they had expected them to be out on bail on Aug. 17. The duo was arrested Aug. 8 for violating the wildlife act when they allegedly killed more than 250 white crane chicks while trimming a tree in a school compound.
A district court rejected their bail application on the ground that their act was “inhuman and anti-environmental and done deliberately,” Father Pius D’Souza, diocesan chancellor and education secretary, told Fr. D’Cunha is the manager of Prabhat …Higit pa
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Federal judge dismisses abuse lawsuit against Vatican. Federal judge dismisses abuse lawsuit against Vatican By Kevin J. Jones Portland, Ore., Aug 21, 2012 /(CNA/EWTN News).- A federal judge dismissed …Higit pa
Federal judge dismisses abuse lawsuit against Vatican.
Federal judge dismisses abuse lawsuit against Vatican
By Kevin J. Jones
Portland, Ore., Aug 21, 2012 /(CNA/EWTN News).- A federal judge dismissed a sex abuse lawsuit against the Holy See on grounds that the Vatican was not an employer of the accused ex-priest and cannot be held financially liable for the abuse.
Jeffrey Lena, counsel for the Holy See, told CNA on Aug. 21 that the ruling is “particularly important.”
It follows a years-long legal examination of whether the Vatican has sovereign immunity protecting it from such lawsuits.
On Monday U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman in Portland, Ore. ruled that the laicized Servite priest Andrew Ronan, who allegedly molested the plaintiff as a teenager in 1965 and 1966, did not have an employee-employer relationship with the Vatican.
Such a relationship was the only remaining legal justification for the lawsuit against the Vatican, Lena said. He added that the federal court examined …Higit pa
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Church boosts NFP campaign amid battle over RH bill. Church boosts NFP campaign amid battle over RH bill MANILA, August 16, 2012— Amid a battle with President Benigno Aquino III over a proposed …Higit pa
Church boosts NFP campaign amid battle over RH bill.
Church boosts NFP campaign amid battle over RH bill
MANILA, August 16, 2012— Amid a battle with President Benigno Aquino III over a proposed contraception measure, the Catholic Church is promoting natural family planning.
Allied with other pro-life organizations, the Catholic hierarchy has initiated a nationwide effort to overturn the Aquino administration’s aggressiveness to promote artificial contraception.
Various dioceses have also conducted series of seminars on the natural method of family planning as part of the Church’s “moral responsibility” to the people.
Church leaders believe that active educational campaign would help empower the couples on the “moral, effective and safe” way of family planning.
The church is not only stressing that artificial contraception violates Catholic teaching but also that it harms women’s bodies and the environment.
In Manila, Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle has endorsed the establishment of a …Higit pa
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Ottima iniziativa: nascono i “Giuristi per la vita” Ottima iniziativa: nascono i “Giuristi per la vita” 16 agosto, 2012 /UCCR Nel maggio scorso per le strade di Roma si sono riversate migliaia di …Higit pa
Ottima iniziativa: nascono i “Giuristi per la vita”
Ottima iniziativa: nascono i “Giuristi per la vita”
16 agosto, 2012 /UCCR
Nel maggio scorso per le strade di Roma si sono riversate migliaia di persone, uomini, donne, bambini, anziani, famiglie intere, per gridare “si alla vita e no all’aborto”. I quotidiani laicisti, in particolare quelli di proprietà di miliardari anticlericali e massoni, hanno per l’occasione -come avevamo documentato allora- riversato un fiume di insulti e improperi contro queste persone, definendoli “fondamentalisti”, “incivili”, “misogini”, “integralisti” ecc.
Proprio questa reazione scomposta è stata però il segno del successo della prima “Marcia nazionale per la vita”, organizzata da diverse sigle pro-life, una vittoria che ha già dato un primo frutto: sono nati infatti in questi giorni i “Giuristi per la vita”, presieduti dall’avvocato Gianfranco Amato (che ha già avuto l’onore di sconfiggere in tribunale i fondamentalisti atei dell’UAAR, colmando un vuoto …Higit pa
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