Dignitas Infinita: Lowering the Bar

Dignitas Infinita: Lowering the Bar

I see many commentators saying that because this document is not as bad as they thought, it is a relief. When did the bar for Church documents get so low? In my study …
Jeffrey Ade
This picture is immodest and impure. It will cause some to commit mortal sins of impurity. Our Lady of Fatima, save us from impurity and immodesty!
Jeffrey Ade
@Liam Ronan The Catholic Church has strict rules regarding modesty. Just because we were raised in an anti-Catholic country doesn't make it right. She has already pronounced sentence on wearing tight fitting clothes for athletic "freedom of movement." It is wrong and it is pagan. Sources "Catholic Modesty." and Cardinal Giuseppe Siri: Society Becomes Corrupted When Women Wear Masculine Clothes
Jeffrey Ade
@Liam Ronan Yup, probably won't make it!
Unfortunately I have seen worse photos/pictures on this site so I find this quite mild but I I agree it should be removed.
Not good photo for this site
John A Cassani
“What is good, isn’t new, and what’s new, isn’t good.” It’s the same story for pretty much every document for the past 60 years.