F M Shyanguya

[Ed. Wed Jul 1, 2020] REVELATION 14 Time: Babylon has fallen! Albert Pike’s statue toppled and set on fire.

Is there a Nation that can continue to exist without its gods?!


And now, Trump is worried. All of them ought to be because none of them will escape!


cf Rev 14:8

Another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of her impure passion.”

The angel and his companion, the two witnesses, have just told you.

And nothing is gonna stop us now.

The WAR: The earthly city, mystery Babylon vs. the heavenly city, Jerusalem
Mr. Trump is clearly displeased at the D.C. Police failing to do their job. He doesn't seem to be "worried' though. Admittedly, my powers to discern Mr. Trump's thoughts are limited. I'm not an Ohio psychic or a Kenyan witch-doctor who eats the brains of albino Negro children. However, I do know how the last violent 'march' on D.C. turned out.
As an immigrant, you might not be familiar with an …More
Mr. Trump is clearly displeased at the D.C. Police failing to do their job. He doesn't seem to be "worried' though. Admittedly, my powers to discern Mr. Trump's thoughts are limited. I'm not an Ohio psychic or a Kenyan witch-doctor who eats the brains of albino Negro children. However, I do know how the last violent 'march' on D.C. turned out.

As an immigrant, you might not be familiar with an obsure group called the Bonus Army. Amercan WWI veterans got stiffed of their back-pay. marched on D.C.... The US Army steam-rolled them with cavalry charges and fixed-bayonet infantry. Even if Mr. Trump isn't personally aware of the outcome, one of his advisors will promptly correct the deficiency.

I'd be heart-broken if Lefty-Land marches on Washington while the most right-wing President in living memory is in office. I'm all out of Jiffy-Pop. :D
F M Shyanguya
Freemason Albert Pike’s Graven Image Toppled
Freemasonry’s “Supreme Commander”
Albert Pike’s Graven Image
Toppled into the Dust

On the eve of the Summer Solstice, the graven image of Albert Pike, the chief of 19th century Freemasonry and Satanism in America, has fallen and burned in Washington D.C.

This could not have happened in decades past.
Hallelujah! Satan’s kingdom is falling.

— Michael …More
Freemason Albert Pike’s Graven Image Toppled
Freemasonry’s “Supreme Commander”
Albert Pike’s Graven Image
Toppled into the Dust

On the eve of the Summer Solstice, the graven image of Albert Pike, the chief of 19th century Freemasonry and Satanism in America, has fallen and burned in Washington D.C.

This could not have happened in decades past.

Hallelujah! Satan’s kingdom is falling.

— Michael Hoffman
3 more comments from F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
Come we go chant down Babylon one more time
For them soft! Yes, them soft! (ah-yoy!)
Them soft! Me say, Them soft! (ah-yoy!)
So come we go chant down Babylon one more time
(Come we go chant down Babylon)! - Bob MarleyMore
Come we go chant down Babylon one more time

For them soft! Yes, them soft! (ah-yoy!)

Them soft! Me say, Them soft! (ah-yoy!)

So come we go chant down Babylon one more time

(Come we go chant down Babylon)! - Bob Marley
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya