
Prophecy of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in 1823

This is a vision of Blessed Catherine Emmerich in 1823. Was it fullfilled the other day at the Vatican Gardens? "...Then I had a vision of many gardens lying around me in a circle, and the Pope’s …More
This is a vision of Blessed Catherine Emmerich in 1823. Was it fullfilled the other day at the Vatican Gardens?
"...Then I had a vision of many gardens lying around me in a circle, and the Pope’s situation with respect to his Bishops. He sat enthroned in one of these gardens. In the others were the rights and privileges of his Bishops and their sees symbolized by various plants, flowers, and fruits. Their mutual connection, their communication and influence, I saw under the forms of threads, of rays extending from them to the See of Rome. In these earthly gardens, I saw the temporal, spiritual authority, and above them in the air I saw their future Bishops; for instance, I saw above the garden of the stern Superior, a new Bishop with the cross, mitre, and other episcopal insignia, and standing around him Protestants who wished him to enter the garden below, but not on the conditions established by the Holy Father. They tried to insinuate themselves by all sorts of covert means; they …More
Blessed Anne Catherine ora pro nobis
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.