Cardinal Ravasi Participates in "Mother Earth" Worship


(Buenos Aires) Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture actively took part in the Argentine city of San Marcos Sierras a Pachamama cult ceremony. The goddess Pachamama means in the Quechua language "Mother Earth" or "mother cosmos". It is a relic of pre-Christian, pagan times, which has been preserved in parts by the Quechua and Aymara Indians of the Andean countries.

Sacrifices will be made to the goddess Pachamama, which is "omnipotent" in the indigenous imagination, especially "Coca leaves", "talismans, herbs, llama fetuses", "little dolls" as the Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote. "On the witches' market in La Paz" there are traded "the ingredients for the burnt offering in honor of Pachamama" and "faith as business," said the NZZ.


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