holyrope 3
Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran. (March 30, 2012) Fox News- Former UN Ambassador John Bolton speaks on the leakage of intense private importance on Israeli plans to attack Iran.More
Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran.

(March 30, 2012) Fox News- Former UN Ambassador John Bolton speaks on the leakage of intense private importance on Israeli plans to attack Iran.
Israel will never be defeated, it's everywhere in the bible, shhh, don't tell Iran......
These brain-dead reporters all avoid the obvious question: Why would Israel who has more nuclear weapons than any country in the Middle East be concerned about Iran. Israel has more advanced (American) hardware than any of its neighbors. Any perceived threat would be swiftly and harshly dealt with by Isael, and their neighbors know it. The UN Inspectors have already reported that Iran does not have …More
These brain-dead reporters all avoid the obvious question: Why would Israel who has more nuclear weapons than any country in the Middle East be concerned about Iran. Israel has more advanced (American) hardware than any of its neighbors. Any perceived threat would be swiftly and harshly dealt with by Isael, and their neighbors know it. The UN Inspectors have already reported that Iran does not have the capability. When was the last time you heard a group of UN Inspectors going into Israel and making record of their inventory. You haven't heard because they would not tolerate it. Bolton is a stooge and war hawk. Haven't we heard this before, Weapons of Mass Destruction.