Iglesia Católica vs Cismáticos de Agar. La Iglesia es importante para los verdaderos discípulos del Señor Jesús, por ser una institución requerida, instituida y organizada por la voluntad de Dios. …Más
Iglesia Católica vs Cismáticos de Agar.
La Iglesia es importante para los verdaderos discípulos del Señor Jesús, por ser una institución requerida, instituida y organizada por la voluntad de Dios. Al cuestionamiento de algunos cismáticos diciendo que solo Cristo es necesario y la Iglesia no, porque se tiene la opción de una relación personal con Dios; les responde el Señor edificando una sola Iglesia "… y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia …" (Mateo 16,18), dando poder a la única Iglesia, que es importante porque es el Cuerpo Místico del verdadero salvador, "… Cristo es Cabeza de la Iglesia, el salvador del Cuerpo" (Efesios 5,23). La Iglesia si es de radical importancia porque "Así los puso Dios en la Iglesia, primeramente como apóstoles; en segundo lugar como profetas; en tercer lugar como maestros; luego, los milagros; luego, el don de las curaciones, de asistencia, de gobierno, diversidad de lenguas" (I Corintios 12,28).
Aunque dolorosamente la Iglesia es despreciada por algunas …
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Mensajero Mariano
How the Apostles transfer their authority in the Church until our Pope Francis?
The transfer his first disciples, through prayer and the laying on of hands, and this has been transferred all power and authority delegated by Christ to his Apostles until today, this gesture has been repeated from generation to generation as call: Sacrament of Holy Orders, where the power of repeating the Eucharistic …Más
How the Apostles transfer their authority in the Church until our Pope Francis?

The transfer his first disciples, through prayer and the laying on of hands, and this has been transferred all power and authority delegated by Christ to his Apostles until today, this gesture has been repeated from generation to generation as call: Sacrament of Holy Orders, where the power of repeating the Eucharistic miracle (Mark 14.22) is transferred, the power and the mission of preaching and baptizing (Matthew 28,18-19) to try to forgive sins (John 20 21-23), the ministry of reconciliation (II Cor 5,18-20) and represent Christ in everything until the end of the world (II Cor 6: 1-4; Matthew 28:20). We see such as San Pablo ordering the early Church, sent a letter to one of his disciples, and he adds: "The reason I left you in Crete was that you had just what was defective, and appoint presbyters in every city as I commanded you "(Titus 1: 5). Similarly writes to Timothy: "Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbyterate" (I Timothy 4:14). The Sacrament of Holy Orders is already configured in the Old Covenant "... from the day that he presented to exercise the priesthood of the Lord. This Yahweh commanded the Israelites to give them the day that he anointed by an everlasting decree from generation to generation. " (Leviticus 7: 35-6). From the Old Testament we see the succession of the Patriarchs (Exodus 3: 6) and the Prophets Moses Joshua anointing their successors (Numbers 27:18 Deuteronomy 3:28) Elijah anointing by God's command Elisha (I Kings 19 : 16- 21), to continue the mission of proclaiming the Word of God from generation to generation. And in the New Testament, we see the succession of the Apostles: "They prayed thus:" Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all, show which of these two you have chosen to take over this ministry and apostleship from which Judas he deserted to go to his proper 'We see Acts 1:24 succession in the Episcopal Ministry, "For the episcopus, as God's steward, must be above reproach;. not arrogant, not angry, no drunkard, not violent, not given to filthy business "(Titus 1: 7) and in the Priestly Ministry" come to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and elders, and as God had done with them. (Acts 15: 4) It can demonstrate the importance of this succession of apostolic ministry of Bishops, Priests and Deacons in the following quotes: Acts 14:23; Acts 15:22; Acts 16: 4; Philippians 1: 1; I Timothy 4:14; I Timothy 3: 8. So Catholics speak of Bishops, as successors of the apostles, because we are heirs of authority and power that Christ gave to his disciples, because of the length of the mission of the Church until the end of time ( Matthew 28:20), we like the apostles by Christ recognize delegated authorities and take in high regard, for example see how the Letter to the Philippians begins: "Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons "(Philippians 1.1).

The Bible commands us to keep faith and obedience to the Church?

Of course, if the Bible along with the deposit of faith oral, and innumerable writings dating from the times of the apostles corroborate, for example in Ephesians 2.20 we read: "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, remain the cornerstone Christ himself. " In Hebrews 13:17 we have a very clear commitment: "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, which I would not advantage ". And St. Peter the first Pope adds: "Remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of your apostles which is the same Lord and Savior" (II Peter 3.2).

Also we should follow the example of the early disciples of Christ were subjected to the authority of San Pedro, in the following passage shows that he was their leader and supreme authority of the Church, after the Lord's ascension to heaven, first read instead of preaching, the day of Pentecost: "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said:" Fellow Jews and all of Jerusalem, That ye that this clear and hearken to my words " (Acts 2:14). Now in the first Council of the Church, let's see how prevalent the authority delegated by Jesus to show the correct doctrine, and clarify doubts arising from misinterpretation of some new believers: "After a long discussion, Peter got up and said, "Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among vosotrospara that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe. '" (Acts 15.7). And we supplement with its own presentation, in their pastoral letters: "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, who live as foreigners in the Dispersion: in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, elect" (I Peter 1.1).

Apostasy is a horrible sin, a person who, having been a believer in Christ and baptized in His one Church, after embracing faith in the Lord, will take back and denounce their faith in Christ and his Church, what The Lord warns us: "Jesus said.". No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God "(Luke 9:62) So we must persevere in our Catholic faith in Christ incarnate, crucified and risen, get rid of all deception, checking everything the Bible says about each topic, not to mislead or twist the meaning of the Holy Book, not vast to proclaim that Christ is our only Savior, the Kingdom of Heaven is for us to do with perseverance the will of God, "Who will give to each according to his works: to those who by perseverance in good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life" (Romans 2, 7) as biblical references, must be understood according to its context, attentive and careful as the Bible commands: "Take heed, brethren !, lest there be in any of you an maleado disbelief that makes you forsake God heart alive "(Hebrews 3:12). "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). "By your endurance you will gain your souls." (Luke 21:19)
Did Christ Church if not? How Important is the Church?

The Church is important for the true disciples of the Lord Jesus, being a required institution, established and organized by the will of God.

The questioning of some sectarian saying that only Christ and the Church need not, because you have the option of a personal relationship with God; Lord responds building one Church "... and upon this rock I will build my Church ..." (Matthew 16:18), giving power to the one Church, which is important because it is the Mystical Body of true savior, "... Christ is Head Church, El Salvador's Body "(Ephesians 5:23). The Church if radical importance because "Thus God placed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, kinds of tongues "(I Corinthians 12:28).

Although painfully Church is despised by some people, is the beloved of the Biblical Jesus Christ, "... Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water under the floor, and present it to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish "(Eph 5,25-27), who gives him the power and the commission to evangelize, distribute graces; to be a teacher and pastor of all creation: "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock, among which hath made the Holy Spirit overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he obtained with the blood of his own son "(Acts 20:28), and which guaranteed him victory" ... I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ... "(Matthew 16:18). All believers in Christ must believe and obey the Church, because Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say: He who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life "(John 5:24) And then added to the members of his Church:" He who hears you, hears me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me "(Luke 10:16) therefore reject those who reject the Church's built and purchased with His Divine Blood, who daily warns:" Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my heavenly Father. (Matthew 7:21)

Mensajero Mariano
Wie die Apostel übertragen ihre Autorität in der Kirche, bis unsere Franziskus?
Die Übertragung seine ersten Jünger, durch das Gebet und das Auflegen der Hände, und dies wurde alle Macht und Autorität, die Christus seinen Aposteln übertragen bis heute übertragen, diese Geste wurde von Generation zu Generation als wiederholt nennen: Weihesakrament, wo die Macht der Wiederholung der eucharistische …Más
Wie die Apostel übertragen ihre Autorität in der Kirche, bis unsere Franziskus?

Die Übertragung seine ersten Jünger, durch das Gebet und das Auflegen der Hände, und dies wurde alle Macht und Autorität, die Christus seinen Aposteln übertragen bis heute übertragen, diese Geste wurde von Generation zu Generation als wiederholt nennen: Weihesakrament, wo die Macht der Wiederholung der eucharistische Wunder (Mark 14,22) übertragen wird, um die Kraft und die Mission der Verkündigung und tauft (Matthäus 28,18-19) versuchen, Sünden zu vergeben (Johannes 20 21-23), dem Dienst der Versöhnung (II Kor 5,18-20) und stellen Christus in allem, was bis zum Ende der Welt (II Kor 6: 1-4; Matthäus 28,20). Wir sehen, wie San Pablo Bestellung der frühen Kirche, in einem Brief an einen seiner Jünger, und er fügt hinzu: "Der Grund, warum ich dich in Kreta verlassen war, dass man genau das, was defekt war, und ernennt Presbyter in jeder Stadt, wie ich dir geboten habe "(Titus 1: 5). Ebenso schreibt an Timotheus: "Vernachlässige die Gnade nicht, die in dir ist, der dich durch Prophezeiung auf der Hand des Presbyteriums gegeben wurde, mit der Verlegung" (I Timotheus 4,14). Das Weihesakrament ist bereits im Alten Bund "... vom Tag, an dem er sich vorgestellt, das Priestertum des Herrn wahr konfiguriert. Diese Jahwe befahl den Israeliten sie den Tag, dass er von einem ewigen Dekret von Generation zu Generation gesalbt zu geben. " (Leviticus 7: 35-6). Aus dem Alten Testament sehen wir die Nachfolge der Patriarchen (Exodus 3: 6) und die Propheten Moses Joshua Salbung ihrer Nachfolger (Numeri 27:18 Deuteronomium 3,28) Elijah Salbung von Gottes Befehl Elisha (I Könige 19 : 16- 21), um die Mission der Verkündigung des Wortes Gottes von Generation zu Generation weiter. Und im Neuen Testament finden wir die Nachfolge der Apostel: "Sie beteten so:" Du, Herr, der die Herzen aller weißt, Show, die von diesen beiden die Sie gewählt haben, um über diesen Dienst und Apostelamt zu nehmen, von dem Judas er verlassen, um zu seinem richtigen "Wir sehen Acts 1.24 Nachfolge im Bischofsamt zu gehen," Für die episcopus, als Gottes Verwalter muss über jeden Zweifel erhaben sein ;. nicht arrogant, nicht böse, kein Säufer, nicht gewalttätig, nicht schmutzige Geschäft gegeben "(Titus 1: 7) und im priesterlichen Dienst" kommen nach Jerusalem, wurden sie von der Gemeinde und den Aposteln und Ältesten empfangen wurden, und wie Gott hatte mit ihnen gemacht. (Apostelgeschichte 15: 4) Es kann die Bedeutung dieser Abfolge von apostolischen Dienst der Bischöfe, Priester und Diakone in den folgenden Zitate zeigen: Apg 14,23; Apostelgeschichte 15.22; Apostelgeschichte 16: 4; Philipper 1: 1; Timotheus 4.14; Timotheus 3: 8. So Katholiken sprechen von Bischöfe als Nachfolger der Apostel, denn wir sind Erben von Autorität und Macht, die Christus seinen Jüngern gab, wegen der Länge der Sendung der Kirche bis zum Ende der Zeit ( Matthäus 28,20), wie wir die Apostel von Christus erkennen beauftragten Behörden und nehmen in hohem Ansehen, zum Beispiel sehen, wie der Brief an die Philipper beginnt: "Paulus und Timotheus, Knechte Jesu Christi, allen Heiligen sind zu Philippi samt den Bischöfen und Diakonen "(Philipper 1,1).

Die Bibel gebietet uns, den Glauben und Gehorsam gegenüber der Kirche zu halten?

Natürlich, wenn die Bibel zusammen mit dem Glaubensgut mündlichen und unzählige Schriften datieren aus der Zeit der Apostel bestätigen, zum Beispiel in Epheser 2,20 lesen wir: "Und auf den Grund der Apostel und Propheten, bleiben die Eckpfeiler Christus selbst. " In Hebräer 13.17 haben wir einen sehr klaren Bekenntnis: "Gehorcht euren Lehrern und folgt ihnen, denn sie wachen über eure Seelen, als sie, dass müssen Rechenschaft geben, damit sie das mit Freuden tun und nicht mit Seufzen, das ich nicht will Vorteil ". Und Petrus der erste Papst, fügt hinzu: "Denken Sie daran, die Vorhersagen der heiligen Propheten und das Gebot des Apostel, die die gleichen Herrn und Erlöser ist" (II Peter 3.2).

Auch sollten wir das Beispiel der frühen Jünger Christi wurden, um die Autorität der San Pedro ausgesetzt zu folgen, in der folgenden Passage zeigt, dass er ihr Anführer und die höchste Autorität der Kirche, nach der Himmelfahrt des Herrn in den Himmel, erste Lesen statt Predigt am Pfingsttag: "Da trat Petrus auf mit den Elfen, erhob seine Stimme und sagte:" Fellow Juden und ganz Jerusalem, daß ihr, dass diese klar und höre auf meine Worte " (Apg 2,14). Aber im ersten Rat der Kirche, mal sehen, wie weit verbreitet die Behörde von Jesus delegiert die richtige Lehre, um zu zeigen, und zu klären, die Zweifel, die sich aus Fehlinterpretation von einigen neuen Gläubigen: "Nach einer langen Diskussion, Peter stand auf, sagte: "Brüder, wissen Sie, dass in den ersten Tagen machte Gott die Wahl zwischen vosotrospara daß durch meinen Mund die Heiden das Wort des Evangeliums hören und glauben." (Apg 15,7). Und wir ergänzen mit eigenen Präsentation in ihren Hirtenbriefen: "Peter, ein Apostel Jesu Christi, der als Ausländer in der Dispersion zu leben: in Pontus, Galatien, Kappadozien, Asien und Bithynien, wählen" (I Petrus 1,1).

Der Abfall vom Glauben ist eine schreckliche Sünde, ein Mensch, der, nachdem er ein Gläubiger in Christus und sein eine Kirche getauft, nach dem umfassenden Glauben an den Herrn, zurückzunehmen und zu verurteilen ihren Glauben an Christus und seiner Kirche, was Der Herr warnt uns: "Jesus sagte." Niemand, der seine Hand an den Pflug legt und sieht zurück ist nicht geschickt zum Reich Gottes "(Lukas 9:62) Wir müssen in unserem katholischen Glauben in Christus fleischgewordene halten. aller Täuschung gekreuzigten und auferstandenen befreien, Überprüfung alles, was die Bibel über jedes Thema, nicht in die Irre führen oder verdrehen die Bedeutung der Heiligen Schrift zu erhalten, nicht groß, um zu verkünden, dass Christus unser einziger Erlöser, das Königreich Der Himmel ist für uns, mit Ausdauer zu tun, den Willen Gottes: "Wer wird jedem nach seinen Werken zu geben: für diejenigen, die durch Ausdauer in gutem trachten nach Herrlichkeit, Ehre und Unsterblichkeit, ewiges Leben" (Römer 2, 7) Bibelstellen, zu verstehen nach seinem Zusammenhang, aufmerksam und vorsichtig sein, wie die Bibel befiehlt: "Seht zu, liebe Brüder, dass keiner unter euch ein maleado Unglauben, der macht sein du Gottes Herz lebendig verlassen "(Hebräer 3,12). "Nicht jeder, der zu mir sagt: Herr, Herr, wird in das Himmelreich kommen, sondern die den Willen tun meines Vaters im Himmel erfüllt" (Mt 7,21). "Wenn ihr stand Sie Ihre Seelen zu gewinnen." (Lukas 21,19)
Wussten Christ Church, wenn nicht? Wie wichtig ist die Kirche?

Die Kirche ist für den wahren Jünger des Herrn Jesus, dass eine erforderliche Einrichtung, gegründet und nach dem Willen Gottes organisiert.

Die Befragung von rund sektiererischen Sprichwort, das nur Christus und die Kirche nicht brauchen, weil Sie die Möglichkeit, eine persönliche Beziehung mit Gott zu haben; Herr antwortet Bau einer Kirche "... und auf diesen Felsen werde ich meine Kirche bauen ..." (Matthäus 16,18), so dass die Stromversorgung des einen Kirche, was wichtig ist, denn es ist der mystische Leib wahre Retter, "... Christus ist Leiter Kirche El Salvador Body "(Epheser 5,23). Die Kirche, wenn radikale Bedeutung, denn "So in der Kirche platziert Gott, erstens Apostel, zweitens Propheten, drittens Lehrer, dann Wunderkräfte, sodann die Gabe, gesund, hilft, Regierungen, Arten von Sprachen "(I Korinther 12,28).

Obwohl schmerzhaft Kirche wird von einigen Menschen verachtet, ist die Geliebte des biblischen Jesus Christus "... Christus die Gemeinde geliebt hat und hat sich selbst für sie, ihre heiligen, nachdem sie bei der Reinigung von Wasser unter dem Boden gereinigt und präsentieren sie sich in Pracht, ohne Flecken und Falten oder andere Sache, aber heilig und untadelig "(Eph 5,25-27), der ihm die Macht und den Auftrag zu evangelisieren, zu verbreiten Gnaden gibt; , einen Lehrer und Pfarrer der ganzen Schöpfung zu sein: "Halten Sie acht auf euch selbst und auf die ganze Herde, unter denen hath machte die heilige Geist Aufseher, um die Gemeinde Gottes, die er mit dem Blut gewonnen weiden sein Sohn "(Apg 20,28), und die garantierte ihm den Sieg" ... werde ich meine Kirche bauen, und die Pforten der Hölle sollen sie nicht überwältigen ... "(Matthäus 16,18). Alle die an Christus glauben, muss glauben und zu gehorchen die Kirche, denn Jesus sagte: "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage: Wer mein Wort hört und glaubt dem, der mich hat das ewige Leben und kommt nicht in das Gericht geschickt, aber er ist vom Tode zum Leben hindurchgedrungen "(Johannes 5,24) und dann zu den Mitgliedern seiner Kirche:" Wer euch hört, der hört mich, und wer euch verwirft, verwirft mich, und wer mich ablehnt, ihn ablehnt der mich gesandt hat "(Lukas 10,16) lehnen daher die, die ablehnen, die Kirche gebaut und mit Seiner göttlichen Blut, die täglich warnt gekauft:" Nicht jeder, der zu mir sagt: Herr, Herr, wird in das Himmelreich kommen, sondern die den Willen meines himmlischen Vaters tut. (Matthäus 7,21)

5 más comentarios de Mensajero Mariano
Mensajero Mariano
Cum apostolii transferă autoritatea lor în Biserică până la Papa Francis nostru?
Transferul primele ucenici, prin rugăciune și punerea mâinilor, iar acest lucru a fost transferat toată puterea și autoritatea delegată de către Hristos apostolilor lui până astăzi, acest gest a fost repetat de la generație la generație la fel de apel: sacramentul Preoției, în cazul în care puterea de a repeta minunea …Más
Cum apostolii transferă autoritatea lor în Biserică până la Papa Francis nostru?

Transferul primele ucenici, prin rugăciune și punerea mâinilor, iar acest lucru a fost transferat toată puterea și autoritatea delegată de către Hristos apostolilor lui până astăzi, acest gest a fost repetat de la generație la generație la fel de apel: sacramentul Preoției, în cazul în care puterea de a repeta minunea euharistică (Marcu 14,22) este transferat, puterea și misiunea de a predica și boteza (Matei 28,18-19) pentru a încerca de a ierta păcatele (Ioan 20 21-23), ministerul de reconciliere (II Cor 5,18-20) și reprezintă Hristos în tot ceea ce până la sfârșitul lumii (II Cor 6: 1-4; Matei 28:20). Vedem cum ar fi San Pablo comanda Biserica timpurie, a trimis o scrisoare la unul dintre discipolii săi, și el adaugă: "Motivul pentru care am lăsat în Creta a fost că tocmai ce a fost defect, și să numească preoți în fiecare oraș cum v-am poruncit "(Tit 1: 5). În mod similar scrie lui Timotei: "Nu fi nepăsător de darul care este în tine, care ți-a fost dat prin proorocie, cu punerea mâinilor preoției" (I Timotei 4:14). Sacramentul Preoției este deja configurat în Vechiul Legământ "... de ziua în care a prezentat să-și exercite preoția Domnului. Această Domnul a poruncit copiilor lui Israel să le dea ziua în care a uns cu un decret veșnică din generație în generație. " (Leviticul 7: 35-6). Din Vechiul Testament vedem succesiunea patriarhilor (Exod 3: 6) și profeți Moise Iosua ungere succesorii lor (Numeri 27:18 Deuteronom 03:28) Ilie ungere prin porunca lui Dumnezeu Elisei (I Regi 19 : 16- 21), pentru a continua misiunea de a vesti Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu din generație în generație. Iar în Noul Testament, vedem succesiunea Apostolilor: "S-au rugat astfel:" Tu, Doamne, care cunoști inimile tuturor, arată pe care din aceștia doi l-ai ales să preia slujba și apostolia aceasta, din care Iuda el a dezertat pentru a merge la buna lui "Vedem Actele 01:24 succesiune în cadrul Ministerului Episcopală," Pentru Episcopus, ca econom al lui Dumnezeu, trebuie să fie mai sus reproș ;. nu arogant, nu supărat, nu bețiv, nu violent, nu dat la afaceri murdar "(Tit 1: 7) și în slujirea preoțească" vin la Ierusalim, au fost primiți de biserică și apostolii și bătrânii, și cum Dumnezeu a făcut cu ei. (Fapte 15: 4) Se poate demonstra importanța acestui succesiune de minister apostolică a episcopilor, preoți și diaconi, în următoarele citate: Faptele Apostolilor 14:23; Fapte 15:22; Acts 16: 4; Filipeni 1: 1; I Timotei 4:14; I Timotei 3: 8. Deci, catolicii vorbesc de episcopi, în calitate de succesori ai apostolilor, pentru că noi suntem moștenitori ai autoritate și putere pe care Hristos le-a dat ucenicilor săi, din cauza lungimii de misiunea Bisericii până la sfârșitul timpului ( Matei 28:20), ne place apostolii către Hristos recunoaște autoritățile delegate și să în ceea ce privește mare, de exemplu vezi cum Scrisoarea către Filipeni începe: "Pavel și Timotei, robi ai lui Isus Hristos, către toți sfinții sunt în Filipi, împreună cu episcopii și diaconii "(Filipeni 1,1).

Biblia ne poruncește să păstreze credință și ascultare față de Biserică?

Desigur, în cazul în care Biblia împreună cu depozitul de credință orale, iar scrierile nenumărate datând din vremea apostolilor corobora, de exemplu, în Efeseni 2.20 citim: "Și sunt construite pe temelia apostolilor și a proorocilor, rămâne piatra de temelie Hristos însuși. " În Evrei 13:17 avem un angajament foarte clar: "Ascultați de mai marii voștri și fiți-le supuși, căci ei priveghează asupra sufletelor voastre ca unii care trebuie să dea socoteală, ca ei să o fac cu bucurie și nu suspinând, pe care eu nu- avantaj ". Și Sf. Petru primul Papă adaugă: "Amintiți-vă predicțiile sfinții prooroci și de porunca a apostolii voștri, care este același Domn și Mântuitor" (II Petru 3,2).

De asemenea, ar trebui să urmeze exemplul primilor ucenici ai lui Hristos au fost supuse autorității de San Pedro, în următorul pasaj arată că el a fost liderul lor și autoritatea supremă a Bisericii, după înălțarea Domnului la cer, în primul rând citește în loc de predicare, în ziua de Rusalii: "Dar Petru, stând în picioare cu cei unsprezece, a ridicat glasul și a zis:" colegi evrei și toate din Ierusalim, pentru ca voi care asculta acest lucru clar și cuvintele mele " (Faptele Apostolilor 2:14). Acum, în primul Consiliu al Bisericii, să vedem cât de răspândită în care autoritatea delegată de Isus pentru a arăta doctrina corectă, și să clarifice îndoielile rezultate din interpretarea greșită a unor noi credincioși: "După o discuție lungă, Petru sa sculat și a spus, "Fraților, știți că, în primele zile Dumnezeu a făcut o alegere între vosotrospara că de gura mea neamurile să audă cuvântul Evangheliei și să creadă." (Fapte 15,7). Și am suplimenta cu propria sa prezentare, în scrisorile lor pastorale: "Petru, apostol al lui Isus Hristos, care trăiesc ca străini în împrăștiați: in Pont, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia și Bitinia, ales" (I Petru 1,1).

Apostazia este un păcat oribil, o persoană care, fiind un credincios în Hristos și botezat într-o Biserica Sa, după îmbrățișând credința în Domnul, va lua înapoi și să denunțe credința lor în Hristos și a Bisericii Sale, ceea ce Domnul ne avertizează: ", a spus Isus." Nimeni care pune mâna pe plug și se uită înapoi nu este destoinic pentru Împărăția lui Dumnezeu "(Luca 9:62) Deci, noi trebuie să persevereze în credința noastră catolică în Hristos întrupat,. răstignit și înviat, a scăpa de toate înșelăciune, verificarea tot Biblia spune despre fiecare subiect, nu să inducă în eroare sau răsuciți în sensul Cartea Sfântă, nu vast să proclame că Hristos este doar Mântuitorul nostru, Regatul Cerul este pentru noi de a face cu perseverență voia lui Dumnezeu, "Cine va da fiecăruia după faptele lui: celor ce, prin stăruința în bine, caută slava, cinstea și nemurirea, viața veșnică" (Romani 2, 7) ca trimiteri biblice, trebuie să fie înțeleasă în funcție de contextul său, atent și atent ca comenzi Biblia:! "Luați seama, fraților, ca nu cumva exista in nici unul dintre voi o maleado neîncredere care te face să părăsești pe Dumnezeu inima în viață "(Evrei 3:12). "Nu oricine-Mi zice:" Doamne, Doamne, va intra în Împărăția cerurilor, ci cel ce face voia Tatălui meu din ceruri "(Matei 07:21). "Prin răbdarea voastră veți câștiga sufletele voastre." (Luca 21:19)
A Christ Church dacă nu? Cât de important este Biserica?

Biserica este important pentru adevărații ucenici ai Domnului Isus, fiind o instituție necesară, stabilită și organizată de voia lui Dumnezeu.

Chestionarea unor spune sectar care numai Hristos și Biserica nu trebuie să, pentru că aveți opțiunea de o relație personală cu Dumnezeu; Domnul răspunde construirea o Biserică "... și pe această piatră voi zidi Biserica Mea ..." (Matei 16:18), oferind puterea de a Bisericii una, ceea ce este important, pentru că este Trupul mistic al adevărat salvator, "... Hristos este Capul Biserica, Corpul El Salvador lui "(Efeseni 5:23). Biserica dacă importanță radical pentru că "Așa Dumnezeu a așezat în biserică, întâi apostoli, al doilea prooroci, învățători terțe, atunci miracole, atunci darul tămăduirilor, ajută, guverne, tipuri de limbi "(I Corinteni 12:28).

Deși dureros Biserica este disprețuit de unii oameni, este iubit de biblic Isus Hristos, "... Hristos a iubit Biserica și Sa dat pe Sine pentru ea, pentru ao sfinți, după ce a curățit prin spălarea cu apă sub podea, și prezintă o, slăvită, fără pată sau zbârcitură sau ceva de felul acesta, ci sfântă și fără prihană "(Efeseni 5,25-27), care îi dă puterea și comisia a evangheliza, distribui haruri; a fi un profesor și pastor al întregii creații: "veghea asupra voi înșivă și toată turma, printre care a făcut supraveghetorii Duhul Sfânt, ca să păstoriți Biserica lui Dumnezeu, pe care a obținut cu sângele său fiu propriu "(Faptele Apostolilor 20:28), și care îl garantat victoria" ... voi zidi Biserica mea, și porțile iadului nu o vor birui ... "(Matei 16:18). Toți credincioșii în Hristos trebuie să creadă și să asculte Biserica, pentru că Isus a spus, "Adevărat, adevărat, vă spun: Cel care ascultă cuvintele Mele și celui ce Ma trimis are viață veșnică și nu va intra în judecată consideră, însă a trecut de la moarte la viață "(Ioan 5:24), și apoi se adaugă la membrii Bisericii sale:" Cine vă ascultă pe voi, pe mine mă ascultă, și cel ce te respinge, mă respinge, și cine Mă nesocotește îl respinge care mi-a trimis "(Luca 10:16), prin urmare, respinge pe cei care resping Bisericii construit și a cumpărat cu Sângele Său divin, care avertizează zilnic:" Nu oricine-Mi zice: "Doamne, Doamne, va intra în Împărăția cerurilor, ci cel ce face voia Tatălui meu ceresc. (Matei 07:21)

Mensajero Mariano
Que dire à la théorie de la conspiration et de légendes contre l'Église?
La Parole de Dieu nous invite à former pour être en mesure d'exhorter dans la saine doctrine et de réfuter les contradicteurs l'Eglise, persévérer pour donner les raisons de notre foi catholique: "Car il ya beaucoup discoureurs et de séducteurs rebelles, de vains, en particulier circoncis qui est insonorisé nécessaires;…Más
Que dire à la théorie de la conspiration et de légendes contre l'Église?

La Parole de Dieu nous invite à former pour être en mesure d'exhorter dans la saine doctrine et de réfuter les contradicteurs l'Eglise, persévérer pour donner les raisons de notre foi catholique: "Car il ya beaucoup discoureurs et de séducteurs rebelles, de vains, en particulier circoncis qui est insonorisé nécessaires; les hommes qui sont des familles entières bouleversant par l'enseignement pour la base gagnent ce qu'ils ne devraient pas. Un, son prophète, dit: «Crétois sont toujours menteurs, méchantes bêtes, ventres paresseux.» Ce témoignage est vrai. Repréndeles donc gravement, pour conserver la foi saine, ne pas se attacher à des fables judaïques et à des commandements d'hommes, qui se détournent de la vérité. Pour le pur toutes choses sont propres; mais pour ceux qui sont souillés et incrédules, rien ne est propre, son esprit et de conscience est souillé. " (Tite 1: 10-15).

Certains sont déformer l'histoire, accusant les membres d'église en les impliquant dans les parcelles, les complots et les terribles passages de l'histoire, la création d'être vendeur, les films, les livres (très rentable), sapant la foi de beaucoup, et la promotion de successeurs de méfiance les apôtres, et promouvoir essentiellement la rébellion et la désobéissance à l'Église fondée par Jésus-Christ. "Les fils de Hagar, qui cherchent des renseignements sur la terre, les marchands de Madian et Théman, les auteurs de fables et demandeurs intelligence, ils ne ont pas connu la voie de la sagesse et de la mémoire eu leurs chemins ". (Baruch 3:23). Ceux-ci sont critiquent Merchants of Legends et de chasser la Sainte Eglise et de ses membres, comme Caïn poursuivi Abel. Comme il a poursuivi Jacob Esaü, comme le Dragon Rouge se est battu en vain de Sol femmes vêtues et leurs enfants. Quand l'Église et le Pape sont souviennent également critiqué Jésus-Christ, a été appelé glouton, ivrogne, diabolique et la calomnie a été porté à la crucifixion, mais le mal n'a pas le dernier mot, après la croix vient la résurrection, les chrétiens devrait réconforter dans les paroles du Maître: «Heureux êtes-vous quand on vous insultera, qu'on vous persécutera et qu'on dira toute sorte de mal contre vous à cause de moi." Matthieu 05:11.

Nous devons rejeter les théories du complot, fables et légendes qui critiquent l'Eglise et de sa hiérarchie, la calomnie est une tradition protestante et critiquons le Successeur de saint Pierre ", rejettent cependant, fables et contes de la vieille profanes. Entraînez-vous dans la piété ». (I Timothée 4: 7)

Jésus dit à ses disciples: «Il est impossible qu'aucune infraction viennent; mais malheur à celui par qui ils arrivent! Vous feriez mieux de vous cou une meule de moulin forte et jetés dans la mer, qui devrait scandalisait un de ces petits ». (Luc 17: 1). L'Église à travers les siècles a connu la réalité de la parabole de l'ivraie parmi ses principaux saints de membres et les pécheurs endurcis, en temps mentionné ne concerne que Jésus tuer les mauvaises herbes, "Le Fils de l'homme enverra ses anges et ils arracheront de son royaume tous les causes du péché et de tous ceux qui commettent l'iniquité »Matthieu 13:41 ne est pas à nous de juger ou de critiquer ou OUT, beaucoup moins promouvons scandales:« Ne jugez pas peur d'être jugé; ne condamnez pas, et aucun tu seras condamné; Pardonnez, et vous serez pardonnés ·. Luc 06:37

Alors ne jugez de rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que vienne le Seigneur. La lumière les choses cachées des ténèbres, et qui manifestera les desseins des coeurs. Puis tout le monde recevra la louange du Seigneur qui se applique. (I Corinthiens 4: 5). Priez beaucoup et purifier nos consciences "Le cœur pur verront Dieu" impur ne voyons donc toute tachée, faire beaucoup de la réparation et de pénitence pour les péchés et pour les péchés de tous les croyants, prier pour la sainteté de tous les ministres Dieu et tous ceux qui sont persécutés pour leur foi. "Mais si vous souffrez pour la justice, vous êtes heureux. Ne pas les avoir ni peur ni être troublé. Au lieu de cela, donner un culte Christ comme Seigneur dans vos cœurs, toujours prêt à donner une réponse à tous ceux qui vous demande raison de l'espérance. Mais je le fais avec douceur et respect. Gardez une bonne conscience, que la chose même que vous jetez dans le visage de confusion sert à critiquer votre bonne conduite en Christ. " (I Pierre 3:14).

Priez pour la conversion de ceux qui critiquent et la lutte de notre Église catholique, persévérer dans nos pratiques de piété, de vivre selon le modèle de Jésus: «Heureux êtes-vous quand les hommes vous haïront, quand ils vous excluent et vous insultent, et lancez votre nom comme infâme , car le Fils de l'homme. Réjouissez-vous en ce jour-là et tressaillez de joie, votre récompense sera grande dans les cieux. Car de cette manière que leurs pères traitaient les prophètes ". (Luc 06:22).

Le diable a perdu tout leur orgueil, la désobéissance et la rébellion, pourquoi les chrétiens doivent cultiver l'humilité et de l'obéissance à Dieu et à son Eglise; assister les paroles de nos apôtres: «Je vous exhorte, frères, que vous observerez les divisions et des scandales contre la doctrine que vous avez apprise suscitées; éviter "(Romains 16:17). «Ce est pourquoi ne jugez de rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que vienne le Seigneur. La lumière les choses cachées des ténèbres, et qui manifestera les desseins des coeurs. Puis tout le monde recevra la louange du Seigneur qui se applique à vous. " (I Corinthiens 4: 5).
Mensajero Mariano
What to say to the conspiracy theory and legends against the Church?
The Word of God invites us to form to be able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict the Church, persevere to give reasons for our Catholic faith: "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially among the circumcised who is necessary silenced; men who are upsetting whole families by …Más
What to say to the conspiracy theory and legends against the Church?

The Word of God invites us to form to be able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict the Church, persevere to give reasons for our Catholic faith: "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially among the circumcised who is necessary silenced; men who are upsetting whole families by teaching for base gain what they should not. One, his prophet, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true. Therefore severely repréndeles, to conserve healthy faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. To the pure all things are clean; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is clean, his mind and conscience is defiled. " (Titus 1: 10-15).

Some are distorting history, accusing the church members by involving them in plots, conspiracies and terrible passages of history, creating be seller, movies, books (very profitable), undermining the faith of many, and promoting distrust successors the apostles, and basically promoting rebellion and disobedience to the Church founded by Jesus Christ. "The sons of Hagar, who are looking for intelligence on earth, the merchants of Midian and Teman, the authors of fables and seekers intelligence, they have not known the way of wisdom and memory had their paths. " (Baruch 3:23). These are criticizing Merchants of Legends and chasing the Holy Church and its members, as Cain pursued Abel. As he pursued Jacob Esau, as the Red Dragon fought unsuccessfully to Sol Dressed Women and their Children. When the Church and the Pope are remember criticized also Jesus Christ, was called gluttonous, drunken, devilish and slander was brought to the crucifixion, but evil does not have the last word, after the cross comes the resurrection, Christians should comfort in the words of the Master: "Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you because of me." Matthew 5:11.

We must reject conspiracy theories, fables and legends that criticize the Church and its hierarchy, is a Protestant tradition slander and criticize the Successor of St. Peter, "rejects, however, profane fables and tales of old. Train yourself in godliness. " (I Timothy 4: 7)

Jesus told his disciples: "It is impossible that no offenses come; but woe to him through whom they come! You'd better get stronger neck a millstone and thrown into the sea, which should offend one of these little ones ". (Luke 17: 1). The Church throughout the centuries has experienced the reality of the Parable of the Tares among its largest members saints and hardened sinners, in time mentioned relates only to Jesus kill the weeds, "The Son of Man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all who do iniquity "Matthew 13:41 is not for us to judge or criticize or point out, much less promote scandals:" Judge not lest ye be judged; condemn not, and no you will be condemned; Forgive, and you will be forgiven ·. Luke 6:37

So judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes. The light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. Then everyone will receive praise the Lord that applies. (I Corinthians 4: 5). Pray a lot and purify our consciences "The pure in heart shall see God" unclean therefore see all stained, do a lot of repair and penance for sins and for the sins of all believers, pray for the sanctity of all ministers God and all who are persecuted for their faith. "But if you suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are you. Do not be them no fear or be troubled. Instead, give worship Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for your hope. But I do it with gentleness and respect. Keep a good conscience, that the very thing you throw in face of confusion serves to critique your good behavior in Christ. " (I Peter 3:14).

Pray for the conversion of those who criticize and fight our Catholic Church, persevere in our practices of piety, to live according to the model of Jesus: "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil , for the Son of man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, your reward is great in heaven. Because that way their ancestors treated the prophets. " (Luke 6:22).

The Devil everything lost their pride, disobedience and rebellion, why Christians should cultivate humility and obedience to God and his Church; attending the words of our apostles: "I beseech you, brethren, that ye may keep the aroused divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; avoid them "(Romans 16:17). "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes. The light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. Then everyone will receive praise the Lord that applies to you. " (I Corinthians 4: 5).

Catholic Church vs Schismatics

The Church is important for the true disciples of the Lord Jesus, being a required institution, established and organized by the will of God. The questioning of some schismatics saying that only Christ and the Church need not, because you have the option of a personal relationship with God; Lord responds building one Church "... and upon this rock I will build my Church ..." (Matthew 16:18), giving power to the one Church, which is important because it is the Mystical Body of true savior, "... Christ is Head Church, El Salvador's Body "(Ephesians 5:23). The Church if radical importance because "Thus God placed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, kinds of tongues "(I Corinthians 12:28).

Although painfully Church is despised by some people, is the beloved of the Biblical Jesus Christ, "... Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water under the floor, and present it to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish "(Eph 5,25-27), who gives him the power and the commission to evangelize, distribute graces; to be a teacher and pastor of all creation: "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock, among which hath made the Holy Spirit overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he obtained with the blood of his own son "(Acts 20:28), and which guaranteed him victory" ... I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ... "(Matthew 16:18). All believers in Christ must believe and obey the Church, because Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say: He who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life "(John 5:24) And then added to the members of his Church:" He who hears you, hears me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me "(Luke 10:16) therefore reject those who reject the Church's built and purchased with His Divine Blood, who daily warns:" Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my heavenly Father. (Matthew 7:21). "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world "(Matthew 28,19-20). Thus St. Paul praises those who keep the traditions that are according to the teaching of the apostles (cf. I Cor 11.2) ie to which we are in communion with the Magisterium of the Church.
Mensajero Mariano
¿Qué decir ante las teóricas conspirativas y las leyendas en contra de la Iglesia?
La Palabra de Dios nos invita a formarnos para que sea capaz de exhortar con la sana doctrina y refutar a los que contradicen a la Iglesia, perseverar para dar razones de nuestra fe católica: “Porque hay muchos rebeldes, vanos habladores y embaucadores, sobre todo entre los de la circuncisión, a quienes es menester …Más
¿Qué decir ante las teóricas conspirativas y las leyendas en contra de la Iglesia?

La Palabra de Dios nos invita a formarnos para que sea capaz de exhortar con la sana doctrina y refutar a los que contradicen a la Iglesia, perseverar para dar razones de nuestra fe católica: “Porque hay muchos rebeldes, vanos habladores y embaucadores, sobre todo entre los de la circuncisión, a quienes es menester tapar la boca; hombres que trastornan familias enteras, enseñando por torpe ganancia lo que no deben. Uno de ellos, profeta suyo, dijo: «Los cretenses son siempre mentirosos, malas bestias, vientres perezosos.» Este testimonio es verdadero. Por tanto repréndeles severamente, a fin de que conserven sana la fe, y no den oídos a fábulas judaicas, ni a mandamientos de hombres que se apartan de la verdad. Para los limpios todo es limpio; mas para los contaminados e incrédulos nada hay limpio, pues su mente y conciencia están contaminadas”. (Tito 1:10-15).

Algunos van tergiversando la historia, acusando a los miembros de la Iglesia involucrándolos en confabulaciones, conspiraciones y pasajes terribles de la historia, creando be seller, películas, libros (muy lucrativos), socavando la fe de muchos, y promoviendo desconfianza en los sucesores de los apóstoles, y en el fondo promoviendo la rebelión y desobediencia a la Iglesia fundada por Jesucristo.“Los hijos de Agar, que andan buscando la inteligencia en la tierra, los mercaderes de Madián y de Temán, los autores de fábulas y los buscadores de inteligencia, no conocieron el camino de la sabiduría ni tuvieron memoria de sus senderos”. (Baruc 3:23). Estos Mercaderes de Leyendas van criticando y persiguiendo a la Santa Iglesia y sus miembros, como Caín persiguió a Abel. Como Esau persiguió a Jacobo, como el Dragón Rojo combaten sin éxito a la Mujer Vestida de Sol y a sus Hijos. Cuando la Iglesia y el Sumo Pontífice son criticados recordemos que también Jesucristo, fue llamado gloton, borracho, endemoniado y con calumnias fue llevado a la crucifixión, pero el mal no tiene la última palabra, después de la cruz viene la resurrección, el cristiano se debe consolar en las Palabras del Maestro: “Bienaventurados seréis cuando os injurien, y os persigan y digan con mentira toda clase de mal contra vosotros por mi causa”. Mateo 5:11.

Debemos rechazar las teorías de conspiración, las fabulas y las leyendas que critican a la Iglesia y a su jerarquía, Es una tradición protestante calumniar y criticar a los Sucesores de San Pedro: “Rechaza, en cambio, las fábulas profanas y los cuentos de viejas. Ejercítate en la piedad”. (I Timoteo 4:7)

Dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: «Es imposible que no vengan escándalos; pero, ¡ay de aquel por quien vienen! Más le vale que le pongan al cuello una piedra de molino y sea arrojado al mar, que escandalizar a uno de estos pequeños”. (Lucas 17:1).
La Iglesia a lo largo de los siglos ha experimentado la realidad de la Parábola del trigo y la cizaña, entre sus miembros grandes santos y empedernidos pecadores, en el tiempo indicado corresponde únicamente a Jesucristo acabar con la cizaña: “El Hijo del hombre enviará a sus ángeles, que recogerán de su Reino todos los escándalos y a los obradores de iniquidad” Mateo 13:41 a nosotros no nos corresponde juzgar ni señalar ni criticar, mucho menos promocionar los escándalos: “No juzguéis y no seréis juzgados, no condenéis y no seréis condenados; perdonad y seréis perdonados·. Lucas 6:37

Así que, no juzguéis nada antes de tiempo hasta que venga el Señor. El iluminará los secretos de las tinieblas y pondrá de manifiesto los designios de los corazones. Entonces recibirá cada cual del Señor la alabanza que le corresponda. (I Corintios 4:5). Oremos mucho y purifiquemos nuestras conciencias “Los puros de corazón verán a Dios” los impuros por tanto verán todo manchado, hagamos mucha reparación y penitencia por los pecados propios y por los pecados de todos los creyentes, oremos por la santidad de todos los ministros de Dios y por todos los que somos perseguidos por la fe. “Mas, aunque sufrierais a causa de la justicia, dichosos de vosotros. No les tengáis ningún miedo ni os turbeis. Al contrario, dad culto al Señor, Cristo, en vuestros corazones, siempre dispuestos a dar respuesta a todo el que os pida razón de vuestra esperanza. Pero hacedlo con dulzura y respeto. Mantened una buena conciencia, para que aquello mismo que os echen en cara, sirva de confusión a quienes critiquen vuestra buena conducta en Cristo”. (I Pedro 3:14).

Oremos por la conversión de los que critican y combaten nuestra Iglesia católica, perseveremos en nuestra practicas de piedad, para vivir conforme al modelo de Jesús:“Bienaventurados seréis cuando los hombres os odien, cuando os expulsen, os injurien y proscriban vuestro nombre como malo, por causa del Hijo del hombre. Alegraos ese día y saltad de gozo, que vuestra recompensa será grande en el cielo. Pues de ese modo trataban sus padres a los profetas”. (Lucas 6:22).

El Diablo todo lo perdió por su soberbia, desobediencia y rebeldía, por eso los cristianos debemos cultivar la humidad y la obediencia a Dios y a su santa Iglesia; atendiendo las palabras de nuestros apóstoles: “Os ruego, hermanos, que os guardéis de los que suscitan divisiones y escándalos contra la doctrina que habéis aprendido; apartaos de ellos” (Romanos 16:17). “Así que, no juzguéis nada antes de tiempo hasta que venga el Señor. El iluminará los secretos de las tinieblas y pondrá de manifiesto los designios de los corazones. Entonces recibirá cada cual del Señor la alabanza que le corresponda”. (I Corintios 4:5).
Mensajero Mariano
Do I need to gather to seek salvation?
Love is the main sign of salvation, by the initiative of the Father's mercy, has sent us to the Savior, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16). This infinite love of God, waiting to be matched, loving above all, things and loving those who God created in His …Más
Do I need to gather to seek salvation?

Love is the main sign of salvation, by the initiative of the Father's mercy, has sent us to the Savior, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16). This infinite love of God, waiting to be matched, loving above all, things and loving those who God created in His image and likeness. "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love In this the love of God was manifested.; God sent into the world his only Son so that we might live through him. In this is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another ". I John 4: 7-11.Las main keys to our salvation are: Love and worship God with all our heart, of all things, and love our neighbor as Christ has loved us. "Know therefore that the Lord your God is the true God, the true God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments" (Deuteronomy 7: 9).

We should follow the example of the early believers: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 2:42). "... Christ is Head of the Church, El Salvador's Body" (Ephesians 5:23) - Church means assembly or congregation of those who believe in Jesus Christ, so the importance of meeting together to frequent the sacraments. In the famous dream of San Bosco, to storms and difficulties who want to destroy us, God shows three signs of salvation: 1. The Barque of Peter, the Church which leads to the port of salvation. 2. The Eucharist, our soul needs to eat the Bread of salvation, Bread of Eternal Life, our thirst for righteousness, our longing for happiness can only be satiated with the blood of the new covenant, shed on our behalf, by Jesus on Calvary The adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is the pillar of our faith. 3. Devotion to Mary, who is to contemplate and imitate their virtues, devote ourselves entirely to God, through her Immaculate Heart. With the Pope, the Barque of Peter, and anchored in the columns of salvation (the two witnesses) Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we find salvation. "By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not yet seen, with religious fear built an ark to save his family; by faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness by faith "(Hebrews 11: 7). Jesus is the true and definitive Noah, the Savior of mankind, wants refuge in his Ark, ie in His Church, in His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore we must endure the meeting together to celebrate our faith in the Creator and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Church that it built.

The apostolic tradition is supported by the testimony of suitable Church members who were to rely on from generation to generation, to follow the good examples of living the faith taught, as referred to by St. Paul: "What you heard of me among many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others "(II Tim 2,2) .Other biblical quotes that support the above: Dt 32.7; Pr 22.28; Mt 10,20; Lk 10:16; Jn 16,12-13; II Tim 1.13 to 14; Col 4,7-10. By "living tradition" of the Church is understood the liturgy, preaching, catechesis, art ... which are some channels which revealed truth is transmitted. The works written by the Fathers of the early centuries of the Church, who were direct disciples of Jesus, the apostles and the New Testament writers.

The Church is important for the true disciples of the Lord Jesus, being a required institution, established and organized by the will of God. The questioning of some schismatics saying that only Christ and the Church need not, because you have the option of a personal relationship with God; Lord responds building one Church "... and upon this rock I will build my Church ..." (Matthew 16:18), giving power to the one Church, which is important because it is the Mystical Body of true savior, "... Christ is Head Church, El Salvador's Body "(Ephesians 5:23). The Church if radical importance because "Thus God placed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, kinds of tongues "(I Corinthians 12:28).

Although painfully Church is despised by some people, is the beloved of the Biblical Jesus Christ, "... Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water under the floor, and present it to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish "(Eph 5,25-27), who gives him the power and the commission to evangelize, distribute graces; to be a teacher and pastor of all creation: "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock, among which hath made the Holy Spirit overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he obtained with the blood of his own son "(Acts 20:28), and which guaranteed him victory" ... I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ... "(Matthew 16:18). All believers in Christ must believe and obey the Church, because Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say: He who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life "(John 5:24) And then added to the members of his Church:" He who hears you, hears me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me "(Luke 10:16) therefore reject those who reject the Church's built and purchased with His Divine Blood, who daily warns:" Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my heavenly Father. (Matthew 7:21). "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world "(Matthew 28,19-20). Thus St. Paul praises those who keep the traditions that are according to the teaching of the apostles (cf. I Cor 11.2) ie to which we are in communion with the Magisterium of the Church.
Celeste Bonaluz
Madre Santísima del cielo, ilumina cada día el camino del Vicario de tu Hijo en la tierra. Espíritu Santo derrama tu don de Sabiduría, para que cada día nos guíe con acierto, y nos de esperanza y ejemplo. Amén. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Celeste Bonaluz
Dios mío te doy gracias por haber elegido como sucesor de Pedro al papa Francisco. Es un ser tan espiritual, con tanta sensibilidad por las personas, capaz de despertar amor incluso entre quienes no estaban tan cerca de la Iglesia...
4 más comentarios de Celeste Bonaluz
Celeste Bonaluz
Rezo mucho por él porque tiene entre sus manos el glorioso poder de manejar las estructuras de la iglesia. Ilumina sus homilías y sus escritos para que lleguen a todos y ayuden a iluminar y a acrecentar el AMOR. Papa Francisco, te queremos. No estás sólo..
Celeste Bonaluz
Que nuestra Santísima Madre cubra con su manto de protección a nuestro querido Papa Francisco,que lo ayude a discernir ante las tentaciones y ante la obra del maligno. Papa francisco en familia rogamos por vos!!!!.
Celeste Bonaluz
Madre Santísima, Madre de Jesús y Madre nuestra, ruega por él para que nuestro Padre Celestial le envíe toda su corte celestial, para que los ángeles lo cuiden, San Miguel, San Gabriel y San Rafael lo acompañen y lo defiendan de las asechanzas del enemigo. 🤗
Celeste Bonaluz
Cúbrelo con tu manto precioso, toma su corazón y ponlo en el costado de Tu Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo; que Su sangre Preciosa lo cubra y proteja. Amén
Sagrario Mariángeles
Señor, te damos gracias por tener al Papa Francisco al frente de Tu Santa Iglesia. Ilumina Señor su camino para que a través de sus palabras y su ejemplo nos acerquemos cada día más a ti. Te rogamos que le protejas y le cuides, que nos permitas tenerle entre nosotros por muchos años. Amén. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Sagrario Mariángeles
Oremos porque el Espíritu Santo nos guíe en la voluntad de crear un verdadero progreso basado en el amor y en el respeto mutuo. Que seamos, Señor, más abiertos en el corazón y que miremos más hacia los demás, y lo que a los demás les hace falta y necesitan. 🤗 🙏
2 más comentarios de Sagrario Mariángeles
Sagrario Mariángeles
Que no impongamos nuestra libertad a nadie, antes bien, que hagamos partícipes a todos de tu Paz en nosotros. Que el Señor mi Dios ayude al papa Francisco a seguir adelante de la iglesia católica y seguir siendo el guía para el mundo y podamos llegar todos a la salvación eterna, amén
🙏 🙏Más
Que no impongamos nuestra libertad a nadie, antes bien, que hagamos partícipes a todos de tu Paz en nosotros. Que el Señor mi Dios ayude al papa Francisco a seguir adelante de la iglesia católica y seguir siendo el guía para el mundo y podamos llegar todos a la salvación eterna, amén

🙏 🙏
Sagrario Mariángeles
Sí, Rezo por el Papa, porque tiene una gran misión, para que el Señor le defienda del verdadero enemigo. Le de discernimiento en todas las situaciones y esté por mucho tiempo con nosotros. 🤗