
Judge Permanently Bans David Daleiden From Releasing More Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood

As expected, a federal judge who has ties to Planned Parenthood permanently blocked undercover journalist …
"Judeo-Masonic" Judge William Orrick has ruled against Jewish groups, You don't know what you're talking about @Defeat Modernism Go parrot your "Judeo-Masonic" manure on Stormfront .
Defeat Modernism
You love abortion and the Jews don't you? How do you feel about homosexuals? Are you for them too?
No, I'm just against Jew-haters like you. You're a disgrace to The Church and an embarrassment to traditionalists in general. The irony is the Catholic Left loves your kind. Really. You're easily discredited (like just now) and best of all, the modernists you despise so much can point to you and say, "See? This is what a "traditionalist" Catholic is really like. Take a good long look at this …More
No, I'm just against Jew-haters like you. You're a disgrace to The Church and an embarrassment to traditionalists in general. The irony is the Catholic Left loves your kind. Really. You're easily discredited (like just now) and best of all, the modernists you despise so much can point to you and say, "See? This is what a "traditionalist" Catholic is really like. Take a good long look at this mouth-breather, people. This is where the Church was sixty years ago. This is why we needed Vatican Council II... this stupid, sorry sad-sack, right here."
Defeat Modernism
These godless Judeo-Masonic judges need their sacrifice to Moloch, to Lucifer from the rising of the sun to its setting: rumble.com/…-abortion-martyrdom-and-the-worship-of-moloch.html