Cardinal Dolan: Pope Francis opened door to gay civil unions debate

"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the Argentine government over the legalization of gay marriage and signaled he would be open to …More
"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the Argentine government over the legalization of gay marriage and signaled he would be open to civil unions as an alternative. A number of bishops around the world have said civil unions could be acceptable alternatives to same-sex marriage".…/d41e5c1e-a87d-1…
"The Church will be full of those who accept compromises" Our Lady Akita 🤦
la verdad prevalece…/pope-francis-su……/pope-francis-ol…&
He is considered a progressive within the Church: El primer papa latinoamericano y también el primero jesuita. Jorge Mario Bergoglio ha sido elegido este 13 de marzo de 2013 nuevo Papa. Es argentino, de 76 años y asume el nombre de Francisco. Nacido el 17 de diciembre de 1936, era el actual arzobispo de Buenos Aires. Se le …More…/pope-francis-su……/pope-francis-ol…&

He is considered a progressive within the Church: El primer papa latinoamericano y también el primero jesuita. Jorge Mario Bergoglio ha sido elegido este 13 de marzo de 2013 nuevo Papa. Es argentino, de 76 años y asume el nombre de Francisco. Nacido el 17 de diciembre de 1936, era el actual arzobispo de Buenos Aires. Se le considera un progresista dentro de la Iglesia.

Leer más:…/jorge-mario-ber…
la verdad prevalece
When Argentina was on the verge of legalizing gay marriage in 2010, Pope Francis — then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires — suggested the church support civil unions, according to news reports published at the time.
“We don’t have a fanatic vision,” his spokesman, Federico Wals, told Argentina’s Infonews in 2010. “What we are asking is that …More

When Argentina was on the verge of legalizing gay marriage in 2010, Pope Francis — then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires — suggested the church support civil unions, according to news reports published at the time.

“We don’t have a fanatic vision,” his spokesman, Federico Wals, told Argentina’s Infonews in 2010. “What we are asking is that the laws are respected. We believe that we must propose more comprehensive civil union rights than currently exist, but no gay marriage.”

Faced with the likelihood that gay marriage would be legalized, Bergoglio, then head of the Argentina Bishop’s Conference, suggested during a meeting with bishops in 2010 that the church support civil unions in the country. The idea was rebuked by the bishops, Pope Francis’ authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin, told the Associated Press.…/pope-francis-su……/pope-francis-ol…&

The very idea was anathema to many of the bishops in the room. Argentina was on the verge of approving gay marriage, and the Roman Catholic Church was desperate to stop that from happening. It would lead tens of thousands of its followers in protest on the streets of Buenos Aires and publicly condemn the proposed law, a direct threat to church teaching, as the work of the devil.

But behind the scenes, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who led the public charge against the measure, spoke out in a heated meeting of bishops in 2010 and advocated a highly unorthodox solution: that the church in Argentina support the idea of civil unions for gay couples. Link

On February 25 2010
Not only the Argentinian newspaper-Clarin but many others Spanish webpages reported the same news:
[TRANSLATION]: From the private meeting with the newspaper la Nacion they said: "Our position is not religious, discriminatory or fundamentalist, but merely legalistic..."

Desde el entorno privado del arzobispo dijeron a LA NACION: "Nuestra postura no es religiosa, discriminatoria ni fundamentalista, sino puramente legalista
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece…/index.html
The 77-year-old Francis may be an unlikely maverick in Rome, but he's been following the same playbook for decades in Buenos Aires, says the Rev. Gustavo Morello, an expert on Argentina's Catholic history.
But conservatives didn't like Bergoglio much, Morello says.
The future Pope once knelt before Pentecostal pastors and asked for a blessing. He argued that the state …

The 77-year-old Francis may be an unlikely maverick in Rome, but he's been following the same playbook for decades in Buenos Aires, says the Rev. Gustavo Morello, an expert on Argentina's Catholic history.
But conservatives didn't like Bergoglio much, Morello says.
The future Pope once knelt before Pentecostal pastors and asked for a blessing. He argued that the state should recognize same-sex civil unions. He had no use for high-church liturgy or fancy vestments
Dr Bobus
I've never heard that he tried to negotiate with the govt over homosexual unions. I did read that within the Argentinian Episcopal Conference he favored what he thought was a neutral position. His idea was rejected.
So the Wash Post reporter has either discovered important news or distorted what actually happened. The latter seems to be the case.More
I've never heard that he tried to negotiate with the govt over homosexual unions. I did read that within the Argentinian Episcopal Conference he favored what he thought was a neutral position. His idea was rejected.

So the Wash Post reporter has either discovered important news or distorted what actually happened. The latter seems to be the case.