Abortion is Just Like Slavery: When People are Treated as Property Instead of Human Beings ! - Since the Dobbs decision was released, supremely correcting a supremely wrong Roe decision, the Left has …More
Abortion is Just Like Slavery: When People are Treated as Property Instead of Human Beings !
Since the Dobbs decision was released, supremely correcting a supremely wrong Roe decision, the Left has become even more unhinged.
Sadly, not unshackled.
The amount of mental and rhetorical contortions one must go through to justify the commercialized slaughter of millions of human beings is astounding.
And Planned Parenthood is leading the charge. Unsurprisingly, the activist arm of the Democrat Party, is throwing every absurd charge of racism it possibly can at the Pro-Life movement. You know, the same movement that fights to save every human life regardless of color? The mere fact that Planned Parenthood now calls itself an anti-racist organization when it’s the leading killer of black lives would be funny if it weren’t so fatal. For years, the nation’s leading abortion plantation – I mean, federation – has claimed that abortion abolition is slavery. No. Abortion is slavery. If …More
Jeffrey Ade
You are right! Nice article! The comparisons are striking, but don't expect the weaponized version of marxist feminism to disappear soon. They still are playing their part! All the while the true racist hide behind the fake construct of "color!" But God see's them!