Is the “Sixth Age” of the Church About to Begin? Is the “Sixth Age” of the Church About to Begin? Guido Vignelli published in 2013 the book “End of the World? Or Advent of the Kingdom of Mary”. In …More
Is the “Sixth Age” of the Church About to Begin?

Is the “Sixth Age” of the Church About to Begin?

Guido Vignelli published in 2013 the book “End of the World? Or Advent of the Kingdom of Mary”. In this book he speaks about the future Christian triumph which he calls the Kingdom of Christ in Mary. Vignelli explains that this kingdom will not only be spiritual and individual, but also temporal and social. It will not be limited to the healing of the Church, but will come to restore Christianity. This, he calls, the sixth age of the Church.

The False Concept

Vignelli warns of a “dangerous spiritualistic reductionism” which believes that the Church would be destined to return, but only to the dimensions of a "small flock" which, although holy, will be weak, isolated, locked in temples and buried in consciences. Such a Church would therefore be incapable of converting the world and achieving the social Kingdom of Christ.

The Correct Concept

According to many saints, prophets and ecclesiastical doctors, the sixth age of the Church will be inaugurated by "a Holy Pontiff" and by "a great monarch", "a new Charlemagne." This holy emperor will found a new Christian Empire. This new Holy Roman-Christian Empire will contribute to the universal spread of the Gospel and the triumph of the Church.

The Famous “Obstacle” of Saint Paul

Saint Paul prophesies in 2 Thessalonians 2,7 that the Antichrist will be able to act freely only after he has destroyed one last – quote - "obstacle" that holds him back. Vignelli insists that the Saints and Doctors of the Church have identified this obstacle with a new Christian Empire, which will dominate the world during the "sixth age." Only after this Christian Empire is removed, the Antichrist will be able to establish a brief empire which will be a blasphemous parody of the Roman-Christian one.

An Immense Army”

For instance, Saint Vincent Ferrer, a Dominican friar who died in 1419, spoke about a "great monarch" who will be "a man who, by virtue of the Most High, will confuse tyrants, heretics and infidels; he will organize an immense army, the Angels will fight for him and kill all rebels against the Most High."
What if the 6th age already passed and we are now in the last age??? The one where everyone apostatizes from the faith, ie very very non-Catholic fake VII church?!!!