12,3 tys.

List otwarty przeciwko popierającemu eutanazję Paglia

Działacze na rzecz prawa do życia, Thomas Ward, Christine de Marcellus Vollmer oraz Steven Mosher, napisali list otwarty w odpowiedzi na ostatnie oświadczenia Arcybiskupa Paglia, w których publicznie promuje eutanazję (treść w języku angielskim poniżej).

Autorzy listu mówią o "skandalicznej zdradzie dotkniętych cierpieniem pacjentów" i jednocześnie zwracają uwagę, że Paglia nigdy nie przeprosił na swoją nieodpowiedzialną wypowiedź.

Zdaniem działaczy ostali, popierający prawo do życia członkowie Papieskiej Akademii Przeciwko Życiu "powinni zażądać od Franciszka zdymisjonowania Paglia i zastąpienia go przewodniczącym, który odważnie i bezwzględnie głosiłby odwieczne nauczanie Kościoła"

Grafika: Vincenzo Paglia © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsSdyxozappm

An Open Letter to
His Excellency, The Most Reverend Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life

“Qui tacet consentire videtur.”

“He who is silent is taken to agree.”
St Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor of England, 1 July 1535.

“Personally I would not practice assisted suicide, but I understand that legal mediation can constitute the greatest common good concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves.” (Emphasis added) Archbishop Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 19 April 2023 in a speech to the International Festival of Journalism in Perugia, Italy.

1. “I think that law 194 is now a pillar of our social life,” (Law 194/1978 legalised procured abortion in Italy)… in a subsequent question the interviewer asked Archbishop Paglia whether he intended to question this law, he replied: “No, absolutely, absolutely!” [1, 2]

2. “It was an attempt, and certainly not a perfect one, to accept the invitation contained in Veritatis Gaudium (par. 3) for a radical paradigm shift in theological reflection, or rather – dare I say – at “a bold cultural revolution.” Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia in an interview on the book Theological Ethics of Life. Scripture, tradition, practical challenges. [3]

Archbishop Paglia asserts that he understands “that legal mediation [regarding assisted suicide] can constitute the greatest common good concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves.” It can never be in the greatest common good to legalize a mechanism for a doctor to provide a patient with a poison with which to kill himself. There is no moral difference between this and the doctor or the nurse giving someone an overdose of morphine himself or herself. Your Excellency, Thou shalt not kill applies equally to both situations. Moreover so called “legal mediation” of assisted suicide is simply a tactical step in the process of facilitating the legalisation of euthanasia. In practice assisted suicide will be seen by doctors to be the moral hypocrisy that it is and open them to the practice of direct euthanasia.

The Statement published by the press office of the PAV on 24 April 2023 following on the legitimate public outrage at his position is in itself misleading in proclaiming that “The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, in full conformity with the Church’s Magisterium, reaffirms his “No” to euthanasia and assisted suicide” [4] whilst reiterating his support for a “legislative initiative” that would specify the conditions in which the crime is depenalised.

In order to avoid complicity and in the light of the above absence of an unequivocal correction and apology for this scandalous betrayal of vulnerable patients the remaining pro-life members of the PAV must ask Pope Francis to dismiss Archbishop Paglia, replacing him with a President who, with courage, unequivocally proclaims the perennial teachings of the Church and Saint John Paul both on life and on its legal protection.

Failing this these pro-life members should themselves resign from this discredited Vatican institution.

“Qui tacet consentire videtur.”
“He who is silent is taken to agree.”

(1) (Video no longer available)
(2)Pontifical Academy defends Archbishop Paglia's abortion law remarks
(3) Archbishop Paglia on Pope’s teaching on ‘Theological Ethics of Life’ - Vatican News
Interview Question: Is the fact that there is free and open discussion in the book a sign of synodality?
Answer: “Of course. There is no other way, especially when it comes to such fundamental issues as those involving the multiple dimensions of human life. We followed a path of study and reflection that led us to see the issues of bioethics in a new light… It is certainly a process that reflects the synodal breath and climate in which Pope Francis wishes the Church to operate. This synodal process was authoritatively stressed during the workshop, by Cardinals Grech and Semeraro.”
(4) Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (8 December 2017) | Francis
This vast and pressing task requires, on the cultural level of academic training and scientific study, a broad and generous effort at a radical paradigm shift, or rather – dare I say – at “a bold cultural revolution.” Veritatis Gaudium (par. 3)
(5) Paglia end-of-life statement

Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Thomas Ward
Mrs. Christine de Marcellus Vollmer
Vice- President
Mr. Steven M. Mosher
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