Ave Crux
Ave Crux
This is so true......why did it take a Trump Presidency to bring all this corruption out of the woodwork? E.G., I saw a man offer a great pharmaceutical product to investors that could be manufactured and sold for just a few dollars.
The investors asked him why he didn't offer to sell it to the Pharmaceutical companies instead of independent investors. He said he had! But big Pharma told him they …More
This is so true......why did it take a Trump Presidency to bring all this corruption out of the woodwork? E.G., I saw a man offer a great pharmaceutical product to investors that could be manufactured and sold for just a few dollars.

The investors asked him why he didn't offer to sell it to the Pharmaceutical companies instead of independent investors. He said he had! But big Pharma told him they would buy it and kill it because they didn't want to sell something to prevent the condition for a few dollars when they could sell a drug to treat the symptoms for $25...!! This is pure evil.

And Trump was buffaloed by just such liars like Fauci and Birx and Francis Collins, warning him millions of Americans would die if he didn't do as they said: experimental vaccines for a virus they created, and lockdowns to put down the American people and destroy this country's prosperity.
Everybody wants to excuse Trump's decision to push the vac - hard. If he'd made a mistake he shouldn't be pushing the latest in W h ;' s evil agenda, but he is once again pushing an
Ave Crux
@giveusthisday Is he really? I'd like to know the details. In any event, if he is not re-elected, it's over for this country -- America will have fallen so far into the destructive grasp of marxist-anarchists there will be no way back for us. Never thought I would witness this frightening turn of events in the United States of America during my lifetime.
Well, if you want a frightening turn of events check out what's happening re Vigano and the distancing from him we're seeing. And what's on the horizon...