Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of June 2015 Polemics Produce Polemics: In a message for the World Refugee Day on June 20th Pope Francis writes: “I invite everybody to ask for forgiveness for the persons …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of June 2015

Polemics Produce Polemics: In a message for the World Refugee Day on June 20th Pope Francis writes: “I invite everybody to ask for forgiveness for the persons and institutions who close their doors to these people.” The Italian politician Matteo Salvini shot back at the Pope: “How many refugees are there in the Vatican? Only a fourth of those who arrive in Europe are true refugees. We do not need to be forgiven.”

Different Moral Planes: For Catholic League’s Bill Donohue it is striking to see long-time dissident Catholic journalists—those who rail against the moral teachings of the Church —lining up single file to express their absolute allegiance to Pope Francis’ encyclical on an alleged climate change. Quote: “It goes without saying that climate change is not on the same moral plane with the intentional killing of innocent human beings.”

Glorious Past: On Saturday, June 13, hundreds of people took part in the funeral of former Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz, a long-time companion of Saddam Hussein, who died in an Iraqi prison. The requiem for Aziz, a Catholic, was celebrated at Our Lady of Nazareth Church in Amman, Jordan. In his homily, the Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan Bishop Maroun Lahham said: "Jordan's King, government and people, Christians and Muslims, are honoured to welcome you with a heart full of cordiality and appreciation for your glorious past. They are proud that a great man like you is laid to rest in their blessed land."

Dismissed: The St. Louis circuit attorney's office has dismissed charges against 32-year-old Father Joseph Xiuhui Jiang accused of homosexually abusing a boy in a Catholic school bathroom. Nevertheless the circuit attorney remains hopeful that charges will be refiled in the future. Jiang's attorney said the allegations were false and the charges never should have been filed. Already in 2012 Jiang was accused of contact with a teenage girl, but this lawsuit was also dismissed.
Human beings - both male and female - are created to be “partakers of the divine nature” , 2 Peter 1,4. This is a powerful statement made by Peter that is often overlooked by interpreters trying to understand the nature of salvation. But it means that we can be participants in the very nature of God Himself by grace. Of course, such a position of complete righteousness will only be given to us at …More
Human beings - both male and female - are created to be “partakers of the divine nature” , 2 Peter 1,4. This is a powerful statement made by Peter that is often overlooked by interpreters trying to understand the nature of salvation. But it means that we can be participants in the very nature of God Himself by grace. Of course, such a position of complete righteousness will only be given to us at our resurrection, but we will then be elevated to a state of moral and spiritual perfection. We will assume the same virtues as Christ.
Salvation for human males and for females is to become members of the very ruling Family of God. That is what salvation really is.

"Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by sensuality..." 2 Peter 1-4
“You shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty". 2 Corinthians 6:18
“You ... has He reconciled ... to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.” Colossians 1:21–22
“God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ ... and has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
“He has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world, unto the adoption of children." Ephesians 1,3; 1,4; 2,6
Noticias en Español
¿Qué significa adherir a la Carta de la Tierra?
La Carta de la Tierra es un manifiesto materialista, pagano, panteísta, que busca dar una base “ética” a un férreo control de la población mundial.More
¿Qué significa adherir a la Carta de la Tierra?

La Carta de la Tierra es un manifiesto materialista, pagano, panteísta, que busca dar una base “ética” a un férreo control de la población mundial.
Noticias en Español
La Seudo - encíclica se adhiere a la carta a la Tierra de culto pagano de la ONU.
Cita :
LS 207. La Carta de la Tierra nos invitaba a todos a dejar atrás una etapa de autodestrucción y a comenzar de nuevo, pero todavía no hemos desarrollado una conciencia universal que lo haga posible. Por eso me atrevo a proponer nuevamente aquel precioso desafío: «Como nunca antes en la historia, el destino …More
La Seudo - encíclica se adhiere a la carta a la Tierra de culto pagano de la ONU.
Cita :
LS 207. La Carta de la Tierra nos invitaba a todos a dejar atrás una etapa de autodestrucción y a comenzar de nuevo, pero todavía no hemos desarrollado una conciencia universal que lo haga posible. Por eso me atrevo a proponer nuevamente aquel precioso desafío: «Como nunca antes en la historia, el destino común nos hace un llamado a buscar un nuevo comienzo […] Que el nuestro sea un tiempo que se recuerde por el despertar de una nueva reverencia ante la vida; por la firme resolución de alcanzar la sostenibilidad; por el aceleramiento en la lucha por la justicia y la paz y por la alegre celebración de la vida»[148].

leonardoboff.com/site-esp/proj/carta-terra.html El 14 de marzo del 2000 en la sede de la Unesco en París fue aprobada después de ser discutida durante 8 años en 46 países y por más de cien mil personas de todos los continentes, desde escuelas primarias, esquimales, indígenas de Australia, Canadá y Brasil, entidades de la sociedad civil, hasta los grandes centros de investigación, universidades, empresas y religiones la Carta de la Tierra. Deberá ser presentada y asumida por la ONU, después de una discusión más detallada, con el mismo valor que la Declaración de los Derechos Humanos. Con ella se podrá detener a los agresores de la dignidad de la Tierra, a los pinochets antiecológicos, en cualquier parte del mundo y llevarlos ante los tribunales.

La Tierra, nuestro hogar
La humanidad es parte de un vasto universo evolutivo. La Tierra, nuestro hogar, está viva con una comunidad singular de vida. Las fuerzas de la naturaleza promueven a que la existencia sea una aventura exigente e incierta, pero la Tierra ha brindado las condiciones esenciales para la evolución de la vida.
"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Nevertheless I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the Day of Judgment than for you.
And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to Hades; for if the miracles had …More
"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Nevertheless I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the Day of Judgment than for you.
And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to Hades; for if the miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day.
Nevertheless I say to you that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment, than for you." Matthew 11,21-24
Noticias en Español
Un Grupo de Judíos incendiaron la Iglesia de la Multiplicación en Tagbha, el lugar en que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo realizó el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los pecesTierra Santa: Incendian iglesia católica en el lugar donde Cristo multiplicó los panes
Ahora resulta que Aciprensa para no ofender a los Judíos les llama "extremistas". Como le llamaremos a los que crucificaron a …More
Un Grupo de Judíos incendiaron la Iglesia de la Multiplicación en Tagbha, el lugar en que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo realizó el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los pecesTierra Santa: Incendian iglesia católica en el lugar donde Cristo multiplicó los panes
Ahora resulta que Aciprensa para no ofender a los Judíos les llama "extremistas". Como le llamaremos a los que crucificaron a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo no Judíos sino también extremistas?
Noticias en Español
Why I’m Disregarding Laudato Si and You Should Too
Noticias en Español
Diferentes Planes Morales:
Para Bill Donohue de la Liga Católica, Es sorprendente ver desde hace mucho tiempo los periodistas disidentes católicos que clamar contra las enseñanzas morales de la Iglesia - se alinearon en una sola fila para expresar su lealtad absoluta a la encíclica de Francisco del supuesto cambio climático. Cito: "No hace falta decir que el cambio climático no está en el mismo …More
Diferentes Planes Morales:
Para Bill Donohue de la Liga Católica, Es sorprendente ver desde hace mucho tiempo los periodistas disidentes católicos que clamar contra las enseñanzas morales de la Iglesia - se alinearon en una sola fila para expresar su lealtad absoluta a la encíclica de Francisco del supuesto cambio climático. Cito: "No hace falta decir que el cambio climático no está en el mismo plano moral con el asesinato intencional de seres humanos inocentes."
Noticias en Español
Polémicas Produce polémica:
En un mensaje con motivo del Día Mundial del Refugiado el 20 de junio Francisco escribió : "Los invito a todos a pedir perdón por las personas e instituciones que cierran sus puertas a estas personas." El político italiano Matteo Salvini replicó a Francisco: "¿Cuántos refugiados hay en el Vaticano? Sólo un cuarto de los que llegan a Europa son verdaderos refugiados …More
Polémicas Produce polémica:
En un mensaje con motivo del Día Mundial del Refugiado el 20 de junio Francisco escribió : "Los invito a todos a pedir perdón por las personas e instituciones que cierran sus puertas a estas personas." El político italiano Matteo Salvini replicó a Francisco: "¿Cuántos refugiados hay en el Vaticano? Sólo un cuarto de los que llegan a Europa son verdaderos refugiados. No necesitamos ser perdonados ".
Ekologia- Zmiana Klimatu- wymieranie gatunków jak stonka, komary, muchy, myszy...Dinozaury!
No i mamy temat zastępczy aby odwrócić uwagę od wybijania Chrześcijan, od usuwania Chrystusa z kultury europejskiej i światowej, od tematów gejów i rozwiedzionych...wewnątrz Kościoła Katolickiego, od sprzedawania tysięcy kościołów w każdym państwie Zachodu.
Coraz więcej biskupów głosi herezje, że Judaizm …More
Ekologia- Zmiana Klimatu- wymieranie gatunków jak stonka, komary, muchy, myszy...Dinozaury!

No i mamy temat zastępczy aby odwrócić uwagę od wybijania Chrześcijan, od usuwania Chrystusa z kultury europejskiej i światowej, od tematów gejów i rozwiedzionych...wewnątrz Kościoła Katolickiego, od sprzedawania tysięcy kościołów w każdym państwie Zachodu.
Coraz więcej biskupów głosi herezje, że Judaizm jest prawdziwą religią i najwyżej podlega pod dialog ekumeniczny a nie miedzy -religijny...
W Polsce takim heretyckim biskupem judaizmu w KK jest bp Ryś.
Wspólne modlitwy członków z róznych religii to jest naruszanie Pierwszego Przykazania Dekalogu!
wg moich opinii
A correction: I mean of course the ´Encyclical´ of ´ Francis´!
The Italian politician Matteo Salvini is right what he says, but there is even more criticism, for example through his Encyclical ´Laudato si...´.
"Laudato si..." - and next? Whom he is praised in this ´ Encyclical ´?
Also the first Encyclical ´ Lumen fidei ´, which he wrote together with his predecessor - begs this question. Which ´light of faith´ is meant?
He praises all his predecessors since …More
The Italian politician Matteo Salvini is right what he says, but there is even more criticism, for example through his Encyclical ´Laudato si...´.
"Laudato si..." - and next? Whom he is praised in this ´ Encyclical ´?
Also the first Encyclical ´ Lumen fidei ´, which he wrote together with his predecessor - begs this question. Which ´light of faith´ is meant?
He praises all his predecessors since the Second Vatican Council, starting with ´ John XXIII. ´ ... and they all stand too behind the other letter ´ Nostra aetate´ - ´in our age´, until ´ Benedict XVI., also not answered this question.
They claim to worship the "only God" as the creator in this letter, together with the Jews and the Muslims, and recognize them as equivalent religions.
But then they reject the true creator, because they reject the deity of Jesus Christ and his unity with God the Father, and that He is the second person of the Holy Trinity, through Him everything has been created.
Also that He is the only Savior, who takes away the Sin as the Lamb of God and the redeemed believers be re-created through Him, and that this is our rebirth through the power of His word and the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
It must be a curse on this Second Vatican Council and its supporters, because they have obvisiouly not accepted the love of the Truth, and therefore may God leaves them in error, as the Apostle Paul say in 2 Thessalonians 2,11-12.
God has tested them through the messages he gave three children in 1917 in Portugal, which are the so-called three secrets of Fatima, whether they would obey Him and would publish the messages, which include repentance and penance, in 1960 - but they didn't.
Also Pius XII. rejected the urgent messages of God, so it came to the reign of terror of the Hitler regime against Jews and Christians, and the Second World War, announced to the children if no reversal takes place.
But they were planning for quite some time after the First World War, to adapt to the world, with the testimony of John XXIII. which meant the "Aggiornamento", to live according to their own will and to despise all warnings of God.
But John XXIII. immediately be taken ill on cancer right after the start of the Council, and died.
And what happend to John Paul II., after he kissed the Quran? - He was shattered by disease and could no longer speak.
This curse because of their disobedience against God stretches until today through their ranks.
And how much pain and harm is done today by the current Bishop of Rome...!
I don't think that they again will receive messages in her hand after all this breach of trust against God, and the rejecting of His grace.
The continuative messages of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje were given on June 24, 1981 only in the hand of six witnesses, to call for peace through repentance to the true God, but there are again stones laid out in the way to them, because their freedom of speech has been restricted by the Vatican.