Pope targets longing for past, 'adolescent progressivism'

Photo ~ wanting to remain in the past?

Vatican City, Jun 12, 2013 / 10:02 am (CNANews).- The progress of the Church can be hindered by the dual temptations of wanting to remain in the past and “adolescent progressivism,” Pope Francis said.

“It’s like when the road is covered in ice and the car slips and go off track ... This is the other temptation at the moment! We, at this moment in the history of the Church, we cannot go backwards or go off the track!” the Pope stressed.

The track the Church must follow, he said during his homily, “is that of freedom in the Holy Spirit that makes us free, in continuous discernment of God's will to move forward on this path... .”
T.S. Elliot, borrowing an insight from Dante, said that in poetry nothing new that was of value could be attained without being absorbed in and drawing on the past for its source. The same could be said of the Church. It is not that traditionalists want to go back in time, but that we are living in time but in light of the eternal. That is not antiquarian but classical.