THEY ARE KILLING US - This young lady is Faith. She's 16 years old. She was injected with the poison called "PFIZER vaccine". She has been like this for 4 weeks. Sometimes she has uncontrollable seizures …Más
THEY ARE KILLING US - This young lady is Faith. She's 16 years old. She was injected with the poison called "PFIZER vaccine". She has been like this for 4 weeks. Sometimes she has uncontrollable seizures for only a few minutes, but other times she starts to seizure and her body cannot stop for 3 or 4 hours straight, leaving her devastated and exhausted. Since then she has not been able to sleep more than 4 hours a day, because suddenly uncontrollable seizures begin as a result of neurological damage caused by the serial killer called PFIZER, damage that may be for life. 🤔 Are you going to vaccinate your children without any risk to Covid and that they run the unnecessary risk of being that way for life? - ABOUT THE DANGER OF THE COVID VACCINES: 1. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 2. NOS ESTAN MATANDO VIII - Profesora fallece en Marbella asesinada por l… - 3. INFORME DE MÉDICOS BRITÁNICOS PIDE EL CESE COMPLETO DE LAS VACUNAS COVID. - 4. Doctor …Más
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THEY ARE KILLING US - This young lady is Faith. She's 16 years old. She was injected with the poison called "PFIZER vaccine". She has been like this for 4 weeks. Sometimes she has uncontrollable seizures for only a few minutes, but other times she starts to seizure and her body cannot stop for 3 or 4 hours straight, leaving her devastated and exhausted. Since then she has not been able to sleep more …Más
THEY ARE KILLING US - This young lady is Faith. She's 16 years old. She was injected with the poison called "PFIZER vaccine". She has been like this for 4 weeks. Sometimes she has uncontrollable seizures for only a few minutes, but other times she starts to seizure and her body cannot stop for 3 or 4 hours straight, leaving her devastated and exhausted. Since then she has not been able to sleep more than 4 hours a day, because suddenly uncontrollable seizures begin as a result of neurological damage caused by the serial killer called PFIZER, damage that may be for life. 🤔 Are you going to vaccinate your children without any risk to Covid and that they run the unnecessary risk of being that way for life? - ABOUT THE DANGER OF THE COVID VACCINES