Panis Angelicus - Westminster Cathedral Choir. Panis Angelicus (Angelic Bread) is a beautiful hymn. part of a hymn written by St Thomas Aquinas. The music was composed by the French composer and organist …More
Panis Angelicus - Westminster Cathedral Choir.
Panis Angelicus (Angelic Bread) is a beautiful hymn. part of a hymn written by St Thomas Aquinas. The music was composed by the French composer and organist, Franck, César in 1872 and it's his most popular work.
It is sung by the Westminster Cathedral Choir.
The establishment of a fine choral foundation was part of the original vision of the founder of Westminster Cathedral, Cardinal Herbert Vaughan.
Sir Richard Runciman Terry, was the Cathedral's first Master of Music and it was him who built Westminster Cathedral Choir's reputation on performances of music.
George Malcolm consolidated the musical reputation of Westminster Cathedral Choir during his time as Master of Music
The choir continues to thrive under the current Master of Music, Martin Baker, who has held the post since 2000.
====================================== PANIS ANGELICUS Panis angelicus is the penultimate strophe of the hymn Sacris solemniis written by Saint Thomas Aquinas …More
SamueGC2 shares this
The most beautiful rendition ever. Thank, you Lord.