UK is in a MESS, what to do then. - Fr. Mark Goring, CC. SUBSCRIBE - click link below to receive Fr. Mark's daily videos by email…Kext11DlKm_msW6K2voTWSOglKI_s=More
UK is in a MESS, what to do then. - Fr. Mark Goring, CC.
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"Is there a bishop faithful to Christ? I don't know any." -Fisherman. Since you asked...The Most Reverend Peter Anthony Libasci. Granted, you asked a different user, but it seemed imperative to ensure you received a direct (not to mention encouraging) answer.
God's Truth, I once saw the man perform a minor miracle after a High Mass for Confirmation.
Mass was over and it was getting late. High Mass …More
"Is there a bishop faithful to Christ? I don't know any." -Fisherman. Since you asked...The Most Reverend Peter Anthony Libasci. Granted, you asked a different user, but it seemed imperative to ensure you received a direct (not to mention encouraging) answer.

God's Truth, I once saw the man perform a minor miracle after a High Mass for Confirmation.

Mass was over and it was getting late. High Mass is a long Mass and a High Mass including the Sacrament of Confirmation is a very long Mass indeed.

Trad Catholic families are often big families, and this one infant started bawling non-stop. It rapidly went beyond unhappy crying or tired crying and descended into that infantile hell where being awake equals pain, pain is expressed through constant crying/ screaming which keeps the infant awake even longer. It becomes a feedback loop.. The infant's mother was cuddling and shushing and utterly failing at stopping the infant's screaming.

His Excellency noticed almost immediately. He broke off from a conversation and walked over to the mother and child. He bent over the infant, whispered something, and made a tiny sign of the cross on its forehead.

The infant instantly stopped crying, snuffled, and promptly fell asleep. His Excellency went back to the group he'd been speaking with and continued on like nothing happened. The whole thing was over in less time than it's taken you to read this far. Most people didn't notice since everyone was congregating, talking, taking photos, congratulating the newly confirmed etc.

The infant's mother was literally staring at the Bishop dumb-founded. So was I. One moment the infant was screaming non-stop. The next moment it was blissfully asleep. Direct result of one blessing from Bishop Libasci. Not only is he faithful to Christ, he's able to channel Christ's Grace. I personally saw the man do it with visible results.
@Our Lady of Sorrows Is there a bishop faithful to Christ in UK? I don't know any. I know good priests though. We can be few, but God does not care about quantity, God acts anyway.