
UK activist: ‘under-fives’ should be taught to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality

by Hilary White

Under-fives should have materials in their preschools “celebrating” homosexuality and teaching them about “gay marriage,” the new head of Britain’s powerful homosexualist lobby has said.

“I think the next step is about going into preschools. I know from all my godchildren that the quality of children’s books depicting difference is dire. We need to encourage [under-fives] to think about different families. Loads of kids these days have two mums or two dads – or at least gay uncles and aunts.”

In an interview in the Independent, Ruth Hunt said that Stonewall is ready to commission “a suite of books that celebrates difference in all its forms.”

“I really want to commission – and this is something we’ve got to talk about as an organisation – a suite of books that celebrates difference in all its forms for under-fives,” Hunt said.

“With different families in it but also mixed-race people and sent into every preschool setting. That will take time too. But that is possibly one of the most radical campaigns we could do,” she said.

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