
Francis and four points of Apostate - Action Islamic prayers to be held at the Vatican

Francis and four points of Apostate Action Islamic prayers to be held at the Vatican This Sunday, June 8, Pope Francis will allow for the first time in history Islamic prayers from the Quoran to be …More
Francis and four points of Apostate Action
Islamic prayers to be held at the Vatican

This Sunday, June 8, Pope Francis will allow for the first time in history Islamic prayers from the Quoran to be recited at the Vatican. The service is said to be in the cause of Peace in the Middle East (see report below). Members of Judaism will be part of the interfaith gathering as well. This radical initiative is scandalous on at least four counts:
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🤨 Cardinal Mercier denounced such latitudinarianism as blasphemy. He warned that "putting the divine religion on the same level with the religions invented by men" is "blasphemy that attracts God's punishments in society far more than the sins of the people and families." 🤦
Even the Const. Gaudium et Spes says that: The Indifferentism is one of the most radical forms of atheism.
VIDEO "The …
🤨 Cardinal Mercier denounced such latitudinarianism as blasphemy. He warned that "putting the divine religion on the same level with the religions invented by men" is "blasphemy that attracts God's punishments in society far more than the sins of the people and families." 🤦

Even the Const. Gaudium et Spes says that: The Indifferentism is one of the most radical forms of atheism.

VIDEO "The equal toleration of all religions is the same as Atheism." Pope Leo XIII (1810 - 1903)
This is the move to include the Catholic Church in the upcoming One World Religion. After all we all pray to the same God, right? Stay tuned.
Dr Bobus
There were problems before Vat II for various reasons. One was the growing power of secularism, triggered by remarkable increases in prosperity in the US and Europe. Another was the drop off in diocesan vocations--candidates were preferring to join religious orders. I think, however, that the most serious problem emerged because the By the Numbers Church of the Counter Reformation was running out …More
There were problems before Vat II for various reasons. One was the growing power of secularism, triggered by remarkable increases in prosperity in the US and Europe. Another was the drop off in diocesan vocations--candidates were preferring to join religious orders. I think, however, that the most serious problem emerged because the By the Numbers Church of the Counter Reformation was running out of steam.

There have been movements within the Church (going back at least to Pius X) that sought to destroy Catholic life. After WWII the remarkable figure of Pius XII was able to a great extent to keep a lid on them.

John XXIII hoped that the Council would be the occasion of a new Pentecost. Obviously, it didn't happen, and a new Dark Ages has followed it. Although there are some good things in the Counciliar documents, there are also questionable texts that allowed the liberals to implement their agenda.
Saint Athanasius had to watch almost more than 90% of the Catholic world to fall under arianism Dr. Bobus... You are right to say it as it is viewed humanly and for that I applaud you, your perfect take on the matter... tye problem is that no one saw it spiritually speaking, Athanasius was viewing at the time how small the flock became and how large hell went with many souls plunging due to the …More
Saint Athanasius had to watch almost more than 90% of the Catholic world to fall under arianism Dr. Bobus... You are right to say it as it is viewed humanly and for that I applaud you, your perfect take on the matter... tye problem is that no one saw it spiritually speaking, Athanasius was viewing at the time how small the flock became and how large hell went with many souls plunging due to the heresy of arianism, but Catholicism survived due to GOD Himself, I remember you refuted me on an article about how the numbers of Catholics were coming down before Vatican II, I didn't want to recognize it at the time but you were right; but why it was happening? I mean the latin mass was the greatest thing... It happened because of the enemy within (modernists abusing the flock) and the enemies outside (Protestatism was an inviting atmosphere for all who wanted something more worldly-and this is the reason we have a mass with protestants pieces in it) The popes were weak but still popes and most of followed them, they relied on human strength instead of following the example of St Athanasius, their fault lies at that time in NOT trusting God enough, imagine if our Saints when they see a wall instead of trusting God they just give up and try to find another way through their own strength, and I know this is what happened and I can prove it... there hasn't been a saint born afyer Vatican II in the same stance as Fr Pio or Francis of asissi, there is much indignation right now in heaven over the our behavior, but most of all with the behavior of our Church. Blessings.
Dr Bobus
John XXIII recognized that Christendom was dying. Hoping to revivify it, he called Vat II, but, instead of reinvigorating it, the Council did little except hasten death. JPII thought the answer was to appeal to the youth. Benedict thought that a reform of the liturgy would cause improvement (the reform never happened, thanks to opposition in the Curia).
Francis, being a Jesuit, thinks that a …More
John XXIII recognized that Christendom was dying. Hoping to revivify it, he called Vat II, but, instead of reinvigorating it, the Council did little except hasten death. JPII thought the answer was to appeal to the youth. Benedict thought that a reform of the liturgy would cause improvement (the reform never happened, thanks to opposition in the Curia).

Francis, being a Jesuit, thinks that a missionary approach should be used. As a Jesuit, it's not likely that his policies will be consistent. And he will speak one way to one group, another way to another.
How about treason... just Judas being Judas.
Mystery of Iniquity.
Diabolical disorientation.