Catholics Are Intolerant. Catholics are intolerant because the Truth cannot be watered down or diluted. The Martyrs were intolerant because they would not compromise their faith. When the Church is …More
Catholics Are Intolerant.
Catholics are intolerant because the Truth cannot be watered down or diluted. The Martyrs were intolerant because they would not compromise their faith. When the Church is intolerant it grows, when the Church compromises with evil she shrinks.
Ecumenism is a common practice in the Church today and since the 1986 Assisi Prayer Meeting many believe there are many paths to God.
Consider the facts that Holy Mother the Church has condemned ecumenism and teaches that souls are saved only in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.More
Ecumenism is a common practice in the Church today and since the 1986 Assisi Prayer Meeting many believe there are many paths to God.

Consider the facts that Holy Mother the Church has condemned ecumenism and teaches that souls are saved only in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.