Losing Patience With the New Pope

Losing Patience With the New Pope

On the March 18 "Today," co-host Matt Lauer noted the simplicity of Pope Francis -- and then tried to suggest it was extreme. "So a lot of people like this move to simplicity, a move to the poor. Is it possible to take it too far?" If Benedict enjoyed revisiting the more regal historic Vatican garb, that was extreme. More humility? Also quite possibly extreme.

This is the kind of general hostility to religion that makes people turn the channel. The networks try to restrain themselves when the ever-necessary eyeballs are flocking to the TV set to see the Vatican news. But seemingly they can't hold out forever. Ultimately, they revert to sounding like jerks.

All three of NBC's regular "Today's Professionals" panelists agreed.

Advertising man Donny Deutsch insisted this was a victory of style over substance. "It's great to do all of this style stuff, man of the people. But, and we've talked about this ad nauseam, until the Catholic Church starts to address what we all know are the real issues the Church has, which is the real concern of the people, this stuff doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

Liberals demand that the Catholic Church bow to their infallible instincts. You can't just dress humbly, preach the gospel and serve the poor. You have to grant indulgences to the feminists, the homosexuals and the contraceptive industry.

NBC medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman lectured the new pope that "poverty without birth control begets more poverty. ... This is a chance to take the humility and the poverty and say now we're really going to talk about this in a civilized way and move it forward." Deutsch added: "And we can talk about tolerance with gays and attitudes towards women." Snyderman threw in "And women in the Church."

If only the Vatican had thought of that.

Is there anything funnier than a couple of pompous NBC millionaires lecturing the pope about poverty and humility?

The world is shocked. The pope turned out to be Catholic.

In case viewers didn't get the point, anchor Diane Sawyer repeated that the Argentinian president "once called his views medieval." On "NBC Nightly News," reporter Anne Thompson checked the same rhetorical boxes: "As archbishop of Buenos Aires, the pope opposed many social programs that Kirchner endorsed, including gay marriage and free contraception. ... She, in turn, had accused him of holding positions that she said were medieval, harkening back to the Inquisition."

This is how silly these TV news attacks are: President Obama opposed same-sex marriage until last May. Why was it not "medieval" and like the Inquisition for Obama to hold that position in 2012?

The obvious difference is that the pope will not change his position with secular media pressure like Obama did. Everyone who will bow to the libertine left is honored. Those who won't are just hopelessly gauche, crossing their own foreheads on the ash heap of history.

If the Pope declaired homo stuff legal, abortion permitted, and all murder just fine the media would be critcal.. It's the whole belief in God, especially Christ the True King of All, that disrupts their sinful demonic hearts... I pray for their conversions. Also I am hearing news about Pope Francis being pro-homosexual marriage and also being against it in states quotes. I just wish someone would …More
If the Pope declaired homo stuff legal, abortion permitted, and all murder just fine the media would be critcal.. It's the whole belief in God, especially Christ the True King of All, that disrupts their sinful demonic hearts... I pray for their conversions. Also I am hearing news about Pope Francis being pro-homosexual marriage and also being against it in states quotes. I just wish someone would cut out the distortion in the Catholic Media world and just give us some straight talk via audio or video on what the Pope Francis is committed to. I am going to take the benefit of the doubt on the side of the Holy Father, because he is the Pope and wait until something happens. For example, the recieving of Commuion by Biden and Pelosi! That is quite a smack in the face since, I know for certain Biden is forbidden to recieve in Scranton, and I would like to think Pelosi is but I am not so sure...
Also if you haven't seen this watch this. It is a video about a private revelation to St. Francis of Assisi. I am praying that this is not the case but I just don't know...
The End Times Prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi
Thank Ben Martin for the link!
I am not going to be like the rest of the world and declare this "Pope" as a Saint yet!!!!!!
The minuet this guy took office everyone branded him a Saint because he has so called humility?! Judas followed Jesus for 3 years and did much good too.
Only time will tell how "holy" this guy is. Just because he cooks his own food rides the bus doesn't mean JACK! I cook my …More
Thank Ben Martin for the link!

I am not going to be like the rest of the world and declare this "Pope" as a Saint yet!!!!!!

The minuet this guy took office everyone branded him a Saint because he has so called humility?! Judas followed Jesus for 3 years and did much good too.

Only time will tell how "holy" this guy is. Just because he cooks his own food rides the bus doesn't mean JACK! I cook my own food and ride the bus! I guess I am a saint.
Ben Martin
SPECIAL REPORT: FRANCIS– First “Pope” to have favored homosexual civil unions
Posted on March 19, 2013 by Marielena Montesino de Stuart
By Marielena Montesino de Stuart
FRANCIS: First “Pope” to have favored homosexual civil unions
Special edition of Clarín, Argentina’s largest newspaper, with a …More
SPECIAL REPORT: FRANCIS– First “Pope” to have favored homosexual civil unions

Posted on March 19, 2013 by Marielena Montesino de Stuart


By Marielena Montesino de Stuart
FRANCIS: First “Pope” to have favored homosexual civil unions
Special edition of Clarín, Argentina’s largest newspaper, with a special report by Bergoglio’s biographer, Sergio Rubin.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
It is high time Catholics realized they are the enemies of the secular Western culture; there are Church positions which will always be the target of “media outrage” on which there can be no flexibility (abortion, divorce/remarriage, male clergy, etc.).
It is high time the Catholic hierarchy came to terms with this as well, and dropped the charade.
------------------------------------- …More

It is high time Catholics realized they are the enemies of the secular Western culture; there are Church positions which will always be the target of “media outrage” on which there can be no flexibility (abortion, divorce/remarriage, male clergy, etc.).

It is high time the Catholic hierarchy came to terms with this as well, and dropped the charade.

“Anyone with high moral standards would seem extreme to a liberal.”
Anyone with ANY moral standards is extreme to liberals; they think anyone should be allowed to perform sexual acts in public restrooms, and if you don’t agree you’re a hater.

These people didn’t want a Pope they wanted an Obama clone.