
The Holy Father stops to kiss a baby

Needless to say, in this as in almost everything else, our new
Pontiff is simply continuing in the footsteps (or Popemobile)
of his illustrious predecessors:

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

His Holiness Blessed John Paul II

His Holiness Pope Paul VI

And that other refreshing "novelty" - the open car without bullet-proof glass:

Spot the difference!
Pope Benedict ready to receive incoming fire!

Blessed John Paul II - now he should know better!!!!

No sign of that pesky bullet-proof glass here either!

Here is the Servant of God Pope Pius XII even managing to bless a baby without being shot at!

Though not all open top cars are the same!

Quid est Veritas
Politicians Kiss babies too? 🤨
Nice photos...All the popes love the children, this is not new. And they all went out without protection many times.