
Nuns Form a Human Shield

As protests in Sri Lanka demanding the brothers Rajapakse step down from office of President, Prime minister, and finance minister, and their sons and relatives from other government positions, continues into the second week, some nuns from a local convent formed a human shield at the head of the protests before the presidential palace in Colombo.

They wanted to prevent any protesters being shot dead by the police, as happened this weekend at another town in the country.

Meanwhile, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, has taken a delegation of survivors and relatives of the Easter bombings of 2019, to meet Francis, and ask for his intervention for an open and honest investigation into the real mastermind behind the atrocity which claimed 219 lives.

Cardinal Ranjith maintains that, the bombings were orchestrated by current President Gotabaya Rajapakse, who ran on a platform of greater national security, to discredit the previous president, and win the election.
