Do we love those inclined to homosexuality enough to stop same-sex ‘marriage’?

Do we love those inclined to homosexuality enough to stop same-sex ‘marriage’?

March 26, 2013 ( - Let’s get one thing straight.
In this battle over same-sex ‘marriage’ it often sounds like those pushing the dismantling of traditional marriage have the upper hand in terms of love. ‘You are opposed to love!’; ‘How does the love between me and my partner affect you in your marriage?’; ‘Why can’t I be allowed to love whomever I choose?’

These are the tough arguments from ‘love’ facing those who are fighting to protect marriage from radical redefinition.

In truth, however, love is the principle reason to fight same-sex ‘marriage.’

You see, law is a teacher and enshrining same-sex ‘marriage’ in law would lead many people to believe that homosexual sexual relations are equal to those of heterosexual married couples. The difficulty, of course, is that while sexual acts between heterosexual married couples can be totally healthy and positive, the same can never be said of sexual acts between persons of the same sex, whether they happen within a relationship given the name “marriage” or not.

Our bodies were not designed for that behavior, and our anatomy itself gives that testimony. The negative mental and physical health consequences that flow from homosexual sex are many and the medical evidence pointing to them is readily available on LifeSiteNews.

So, do we love people inclined to homosexual sex enough to tell them that it’s bad for them, even though telling them that is socially awkward? Enshrining same-sex ‘marriage’ is putting society’s stamp of approval on homosexual sex. Do we love those with homosexual tendencies enough to stop it?
I agree with Gloria TV that this has really nothing to do with homosexual "rights" but rather a preparation of launching persecution on Christians and driving us from the public forum as "bigots".
Same Sex "Marriage"..if that's not the most ridiculous and sick thing to hear, ..disgusting. Kills the body and the soul.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Same-sex “marriage” will make little practical difference in the lives of active homosexuals. The majority will not get “married,” and the rate of promiscuity will remain about the same for the “married” and unmarried.
What this really is about is constructing a massive new battering ram to drive Christians from the “public square,” shutting down as many church-related charities as …More

Same-sex “marriage” will make little practical difference in the lives of active homosexuals. The majority will not get “married,” and the rate of promiscuity will remain about the same for the “married” and unmarried.

What this really is about is constructing a massive new battering ram to drive Christians from the “public square,” shutting down as many church-related charities as possible, etc.

I have never seen a movement so hateful, except the abortion movement.

The problem is that these people want to identify as “homosexual”. When they define themselves by a vile sexual act-—you should never expose children to them because of ideas that will be forced into the minds of children at an age where the idea separates morality from sex.

It destroys their normal sexual identity process to put ideas of anal sex in their heads-—All ideas in young childhood become foundational -they are embedded and you can’t disassociate that idea from your mind ever. That is why harem of boys in Afghanistan are excited about growing up and having their own harem of boys. It is learned behavior-—modeled. That is why homosexuals want in the Boy Scouts. In Germany the BS was founded by homosexuals so they could have orgies in the woods with boys. (led to the Hitler Youth (Homo Youth).

Promiscuity and Sadism results from young children being exposed to” sex ed in a group setting with strangers. It removes the dignity and intimacy and privacy necessary for healthy long term relationships. The sex act is designed to be by two people in an intimate, private place.

Why do you think that group sex is popular and there is such exhibitionism in the arts and no shame. There is no Good and Evil-—it is erased in the schools on purpose—to kill the concept of God and destroy Christianity so that society will collapse. Without Virtue—there is no Free Republic possible (known since Socrates). This has been the plan since Dewey (Fabian Socialist) control education to corrupt the minds of vulnerable kids to collapse culture.

Sex Ed and media normalizes group sex, any kind of sex—doesn’t matter—morality is removed and they glorify it -—make “pride” days to flip Good and evil and “kill God”.