Gay Marriage: ‘No Scientific Answer’ About Effects on Children

Gay Marriage: ‘No Scientific Answer’ About Effects on Children

– During oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Tuesday over the constitutionality of a California law that reserves marriage as a union between one man and one woman, Justice Antonin Scalia said that the effects on children who are raised by same-sex couples is not confirmed by experts or science.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File)

“There's considerable disagreement among – among sociologists as to what the consequences of raising a child in a – in a single-sex family, whether that is harmful to the child or not,” Scalia said during the exchange between the justices and Charles Cooper, the attorney representing the petitioner in Hollingsworth v. Perry.

“I don't think we know the answer to that,” Scalia said. “Do you know the answer to that, whether it – whether it harms or helps the child?”

“No, your honor,” Cooper said. Link
There is a special place in Hell reserved for queers who corrupt children.
In 1970 still , the medical professionals diagnosed that homosexuality was still a mental disorder..but the backing of Large amounts of $$$$$ and homos sticking their faces out and their disgusting behavior in the public (not to mentions all their threats) may one day become 'legal' just like killing unborn children, ..the leaders in this country and all countries will have to pay a hefty price for …More
In 1970 still , the medical professionals diagnosed that homosexuality was still a mental disorder..but the backing of Large amounts of $$$$$ and homos sticking their faces out and their disgusting behavior in the public (not to mentions all their threats) may one day become 'legal' just like killing unborn children, ..the leaders in this country and all countries will have to pay a hefty price for destroying human life, whether by slaughtering them in the womb or immoral and ghastly perversion of homos. Again, who suffers from all this..the children! And the homos know well that they need to get to the children to change society's thinking. In the end..all will have to suffer. May The Lord have mercy on us all.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The answer to whether or not gay marriage is deleterious to the children a gay couple decide to adopt as presented by Supreme Justice Scalia to the lawyer representing the petitioner in Hollingsworth vs. Perry is that the gay couple don't don't give a sh*t if their civil union is deleterious to the children or not or not.
Gay people happen to be the most selfish, self-centered, dysfunctional …More

The answer to whether or not gay marriage is deleterious to the children a gay couple decide to adopt as presented by Supreme Justice Scalia to the lawyer representing the petitioner in Hollingsworth vs. Perry is that the gay couple don't don't give a sh*t if their civil union is deleterious to the children or not or not.

Gay people happen to be the most selfish, self-centered, dysfunctional people there are, and if their civil union ends up being deleterious or not really doesn't really concern them. It's about *them* not anyone else.
If anyone else ends up being hurt , socially, psychologically, mentally, sexually, so be it.

Don't forget, this gay couple will do anything to have their adopted kids follow the same lifestyle patterns the single gay couples do. Don't you dare tell me that they wouldn't do whatever they could to have their adopted kids choose their won sexuality even if it meant going against their own sexual preferences.

Justice Ginsburg:I'd Prefer the Egyptian or South African Constitution to the US

Judge Ginsburg:Please let me know if the Egyptian Constitution allows for gay couples to adopt.

Usually, I'd advise women traveling in Egypt to have bodyguards accompany them to prevent crime of a sexual nature but that's not any poblem you would ever have to worry about it.

Here’s the answer as to whether or not it hurts children:

“58 percent of the children of lesbians called themselves gay, and 33 percent of the children of gay men called themselves gay.”