Bring Me to the Cross. Lord, bring me to the cross in contrition, kneeling before You, as your blood cleanses me from the leoporsy of my sin. I will worship you forever for Your sacrifice.More
Bring Me to the Cross.

Lord, bring me to the cross in contrition, kneeling before You, as your blood cleanses me from the leoporsy of my sin. I will worship you forever for Your sacrifice.
Gerti Harzl shares this
Vielen ein Wegweiser: Worship - Lobpreis.
Vielen ein Wegweiser: Worship - Lobpreis.

Fra. Leo shares this
This is what I listen to whenever I am using the computer ✍️ of when I am in troubled 😊 or when I meditate 🤐 🤨More

This is what I listen to whenever I am using the computer ✍️ of when I am in troubled 😊 or when I meditate 🤐 🤨
Dear Marthe2010,
The artist is Matthew Ward. He and his sisters became known in the 1980's, as "Second Chapter of Acts." May you be blest as you allow the Lord to fill your heart in His presence.
In Christ,
Dear Marthe2010,

The artist is Matthew Ward. He and his sisters became known in the 1980's, as "Second Chapter of Acts." May you be blest as you allow the Lord to fill your heart in His presence.

In Christ,
Great voice! Who's singing? 👏
This is just what I needed today. Thank you.