Gloria.TV News on the 1st of November. A new president: In a week from Monday, 67-year-old Louisville archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz is expected to be elected the new president of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference …More
Gloria.TV News on the 1st of November.

A new president: In a week from Monday, 67-year-old Louisville archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz is expected to be elected the new president of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference. Courier-journal.com quotes Democratic Kentucky state Rep. Jim Wayne: “We’ve not yet seen the heart of Joe Kurtz,” he said. “My hope is this warm, caring person that I’ve seen in small groups is unleashed.” Kurtz’s supporters cite the archbishop’s loyalty to church teachings and his – quote - “ardent piety.” Kurtz cared for his Down syndrome brother, Georgie until his death in 2002 when the two brothers lived together in Pennsylvania and later Tennessee after Joseph became a bishop there.

Sticking to porn: The dioceses of Munich, Eichstätt, Mainz and the German Military Diocese want to retain ownership of the Porn Weltbild publishing group according German media. The Archbishop of Munich Reinhard Marx belongs to the eight cardinal advisory board of Pope Francis. Gloria.tv wonders if Pope Francis knows that his German advisors traffics in smut?

Betrayed by the prelates: The Rector of the German National College in Rome, Fr. Franz Xaver Brandmayr has defended his friend, Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst whom the media have villainized as “bling bishop”. Brandmayr explained that the bishop – or rather his chapter – have used 31 million Euros – 41 million Dollars - to build or restore 11 buildings. According to Brandmayr the new Episcopal apartment is “very puristic”. He explains the hatred against the bishop by saying – quote: “Such a loaded, negative dynamic can only develop if people from his own surroundings have stirred this up.

The media are preparing the groundwork for the first female Cardinal. The British Daily Mail has proposed the Irish feminist Linda Hogan as a candidate. Hogan is the vice-provost of Trinity College Dublin. A Dublin theologian said about her: “She'd be quite radical.” Daily Mail even found a picture where Hogan is dressed in purple.
Ana Luisa M.R
Los medios de comunicación están preparando el terreno para la primera cardenal femenino. El diario británico Daily Mail ha propuesto a los irlandeses la feminista Linda Hogan como candidato. Hogan es el vice-rector del Trinity College de Dublín. Un teólogo Dublin dijo de ella: "Estaría bastante radical." Daily Mail incluso encontró una foto donde Hogan se viste de púrpura.
The media …More
Los medios de comunicación están preparando el terreno para la primera cardenal femenino. El diario británico Daily Mail ha propuesto a los irlandeses la feminista Linda Hogan como candidato. Hogan es el vice-rector del Trinity College de Dublín. Un teólogo Dublin dijo de ella: "Estaría bastante radical." Daily Mail incluso encontró una foto donde Hogan se viste de púrpura.

The media are preparing the groundwork for the first female Cardinal. The British Daily Mail has proposed the Irish feminist Linda Hogan as a candidate. Hogan is the vice-provost of Trinity College Dublin. A Dublin theologian said about her: “She'd be quite radical.” Daily Mail even found a picture where Hogan is dressed in purple.
Uncle Joe
Since when are the modifiers “feminist” and “radical” resume enhancers for anything including being a Cardinal. Don't these geniuses realize that feminist and radical are nothing more than code words for mouthy, pushy, rude and overall pains in the rectum. There are enough pains in the rectum among the college without adding one with PMS.
Another thing, regarding whether or not the Pope knows …More
Since when are the modifiers “feminist” and “radical” resume enhancers for anything including being a Cardinal. Don't these geniuses realize that feminist and radical are nothing more than code words for mouthy, pushy, rude and overall pains in the rectum. There are enough pains in the rectum among the college without adding one with PMS.

Another thing, regarding whether or not the Pope knows about the Germans and their business promoting smut, Satanism and magic? The answer is yes.

The Vatican would have to be totally out of touch not to have known what has been going on for at least a decade in Germany with the numerous news reports over the years and letters of complaints from the German faithful.

So why does the unholy alliance (German Church and smut) allowed to continue?

My guess is to follow the money. The Vatican is getting a taste (probably substantial) of the profits.

Dear Pope Francis, how do you think these ungodly revelations regarding the German Catholic Church will affect the 'New Evangelization'?


Thank you and good job with the news, Doina. You'd be a wonderful even-tempered and patient cardinal.

Kurtz cared for his Down syndrome brother, Georgie until his death in 2002 when the two brothers lived together in Pennsylvania and later Tennessee after Joseph became a bishop there. 🙏 😇
The dioceses of Munich, Eichstätt, Mainz and the German Military Diocese want to retain ownership of the Porn Weltbild publishing group according German media. 😡 🤦 🤦More
Kurtz cared for his Down syndrome brother, Georgie until his death in 2002 when the two brothers lived together in Pennsylvania and later Tennessee after Joseph became a bishop there. 🙏 😇

The dioceses of Munich, Eichstätt, Mainz and the German Military Diocese want to retain ownership of the Porn Weltbild publishing group according German media. 😡 🤦 🤦
Thanks, Doina. Good to see you back in the news. Blessings.
👍 😇 🤗