Advent Carol Service - Trinity College Chapel. Prelude on Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (Brahms) [0:00] The Advent Matins Responsory (Richard Marlow) [3:12] Creator of the stars of night (Plainsong) [7:35] …More
Advent Carol Service - Trinity College Chapel.

Prelude on Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (Brahms) [0:00]
The Advent Matins Responsory (Richard Marlow) [3:12]
Creator of the stars of night (Plainsong) [7:35]
Hymn: Of the Father's heart begotten (arr Willcocks) [10:28]
Hymn: Come, thou Redeemer of the earth (arr Willcocks) [16:27]
There is no rose (Anon arr Stevens) [22:37]
Hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel (arr Willcocks) [25:35]
Salve Regina (Poulenc) [31:57]
O Emmanuel (Ešenvalds) [36:34]
Hymn: On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (arr Ledger) [41:16]
Wachet auf! (Nicolai arr Bach) [46:12]
E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come (Paul Manz) [51:56]
Hymn: Come, thou long-expected Jesus [54:27]
Benedicamus Domino (Warlock) [56:55]
Hymn: Lo, he comes with clouds descending [1:00:29]
Puer natus est (Plainsong) [1:05:46]
Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht (Bach) [1:06:58]
Organ voluntary: Dieu parmi nous (Messiaen) [1:08:06]